Inner Bliss (sonakshisrivastava) #1

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Inner Bliss

Clouds rumble as monsoon arrives

leaves overturn a shade of green

I look at my reflection in the brook nearby

wondering, if my soul is pure and clean.

I remember the day when flowers wilted

as soon as I said goodbye to my past

like a volcano those emotions erupted

spewing hate over relations that did last.

Now, as this rain washes over me

I wonder if I'll overturn a shade of blue

that will maybe remove this sadness

and prove to me how this bliss is true.

Lush green grass beckons me over

and I walk towards it unabashedly

my bare feet tingles with ecstasy

and memories disappear profoundly.

Blooming flowers do tell a story

that life will once in a while repeat

what's beautiful now may not last long

but you'll go on till the journey's complete.

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