Don't Win This Time (ALCRUX) #1

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Don't Win This Time

Heart shatters in a million shards,

All crawling to the direction you are headed.

My breaths, not better than the occasional squeaks of a broken radio

each one of them carries curses.

But Hey! I live to rot another day.

The future we painted, remember

Without you, that canvas is forgetting.

Didn't I told you?

Dreams aren't good for colouring.

The scene where my 'soulmate' exit this play,

has become a clishe for me .

But I still couldn't help but wonder

if can ever change this script.

Light smiling upon you is fading,

Night now confirmed my predictions and my dreadings .

Would you read this book again?

You ask,

even if I know the spoilers

I will read to you every night ,

and to all the stars you will be placed among.


All the dreams we planned on sleepless nights

Will require a breaking in heaven

robbery upstairs,

mugging the angels

who were supposed to be watching over

who knew you could love a stranger,

trust them to touch your scars

and still feel more safe and stronger than ever

If only I could share your pain this time too...............

And now we will play a game!

Where you will hide,

I will seek.


but don't be better than me this time


don't win this one time

1. ...........

A pair of eyes closes to hide,

other opens to seek , Chase and catch up.

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