Chapter 18

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Sophia POV

I feel my self waking up and I can hear people talking

Then it's turns into shouting

It's Ethan

I can hear him shouting but I can't make out what he's saying

And I can't open my eyes or speak or move

Then I start to hear more clearly

"I love you so much Sophia"

Then I feel a kiss on my hand

And I can feel my eyelids become lighter

I finally open my eyes to see Ethan


His head shoots up and looks at me

I see his tear stained checks matched with bright red bloodshot eyes

His combs his hand through my hair

"Sophia are you okay?" He asks

"I think so my head hurts a little bit"

"Soph I need to ask you a question and be honest" I just nod my head at him

"You know when you said you wasn't in a happy marriage is that because Alex hits you?!" He says looking mad when he mentions Alex

How did he know

I swear this boy is a mind reader

I look him in the eye and I realize that I can't lie to him

I look down and nod

It's quiet for a moment a I look up to see Ethan looking very angry but at the same time he has tears in his eyes

"Eth are you okay?" I ask as I try to hold his hand

As soon as our skin touches he flinches and jumps up off of the seat which makes me jump a little

"I'm sorry but I have to go" He says walking out

Ethan POV

I can still hear her calling my name but I keep walking to my car

As I get in I let all of the tears out

Your probably thinking Ethan why are you crying

If I told her that I loved her all those years ago then she would be in the hospital

If I told her then maybe we would be married with kids

But no I had to be a pussy and not tell her my feelings

And because of that she is in an abusive relationship with a man that doesn't give her the respect she deserves

Tears fall onto my tuxedo pants

At this point there is only one person I want to talk to

I put my key in the ignition and drive out of the hospital parking lot

15 minutes later


I wait for a moment until the door opens

"Ethan what are you doing here?" My mum asks

I break down into her arms

Alex POV

"Alex yes faster!" The woman screams in my ear "Oh right there!"

Her moans fill the whole room nothing coming out of my mouth

I mean yeah she's great big ass big boobs but no one can compare to Sophia

Coming home after a long day at work to her is the best thing ever

Yeah she might get some bruises and I might lash out on her sometimes but I can't help myself

Finally the stupid woman hits her high

"That was amazing papito" she says out of breath

"Yeah .... now get out!"


"You heard me! Get out !"

"I thought you loved me !" She says crying

Is this bitch for real?

"What the fuck are you on?"

She huffs grabs all of her stuff then walks out

Sophia POV

*2 days later*

"Okay so mrs Bailey you can leave when ever you are ready , a nice lady I think her name was priya left you a bag with some clothes in it " the nurse tell me

"Okay thank you " I say as she smile and walks out the door

I feel someone put their hands on my waist

I turn around to see someone I don't particularly want to see


New year new me~E.DHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin