Chapter 11

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5 years later

"Alex where are the car keys , I have to drop josh off at your moms !"

Let me catch you up on my life science it's been 5 years

Me and Alex left for Washington days after the conversation in the hallway

We quit school and bought an apartment together

3 months later and I found out I was pregnant

I gave birth to josh a little over 4 years years ago

Alex is now a bee successful businessman

Me and Alex got married 3 years ago today and he is taking me to a nice restaurant for our anniversary

"Yeah they are on the kitchen side!"

"Okay thank you!"

"No problem , bye drive safe , I love you"

"Love you too"

"Josh go say goodbye to daddy while I put my shoes on"

"Okay mummy!" He says energetically

Every time I see that little boy my heart melts

"Hi reservation for Bailey"

"Yes me mr and mrs Bailey this way please" the worker says as he leads us to our table

My arm linked with Alex's

As we got to our table Alex pulled the chair out for for me and I sat down

"Can I get you something to drink?"

"Umm yes I'll have a beer please and for my wife ...... she'll have a red wine"

I put a fake smile on my face

I never liked wine I preferred Prosecco

"Okay I will get those drinks for you straight away" he walked away and came back with the drinks he gave me a smile

When he walked away I looked at Alex and he had an angry expression on his face

"I don't like the way he was looking at you !" He spoke bitterly

"He just smiled at me it's his job"

"I don't care if it's his job or not YOU are mine!" He said banging his fists on the table

"I'm not an object" I say under my breath

"What was that!" He said in an angry tone


"That's what I thought "

I just look down and I can feel the tears coming

" I'm going to the bathroom can you order my food for me please?"

"Whatever just hurry up"

I stand up and walk to the bathroom

As soon as I get to the stall I burst into tears

The one thing I left out when I said about me and Alex being married

Was that it's not a very happy marriage

Alex works almost everyday apart weekends . from early in the morning to late at night after josh goes to bed

When he gets home he is always in one of three moods
1. Angry
2. sexually frustrated
3. Both

All of them leave me sore and with marks on my body

He doesn't let me talk to anyone

I cant have any friends

I can't go out without him , the only place I can go on my own is to drop off josh at school and pick him up

He doesn't even let me talk to my brother

He sometimes lets me talk to my mum but not that often

I walk to the mirror and freshen up a little and clean the mascara from running down my checks

I walk back to the table and sit down smiling at Alex

"What took you so long ?" He lets out a huff

"My dress got stuck in my underwear" I obviously lied

"Why did you take it out I would've enjoyed the show" he says smirking

I give another fake smile while sipping on my wine

Then instantly regretting it

We get home and I had to drive because Alex got really drunk and I only had a sip of wine then I was drinking water the rest of the night

As we got into the door I threw the key on the little table as you walk in

Alex then grabs my wrist and try's to kiss me

"Alex stop your drunk!" I yell while trying to remove his arm

"Listen you little bitch I'm going upstairs to our room I want to see you in there in 2 minutes with no clothes and a beer in your hand!" He said tightening his grip

"Got it " he said

I just nod my head

He walks upstairs and I walk over to the fridge and grab him a bottle of beer

I walk upstairs into mine and Alex's room and pass him the bottle then I go into the bathroom and put my pyjamas on I brush my teeth and walk back into my room

"Why do you have your clothes on?!"

"Alex I don't want to do this with you now , please just let me go to sleep "

He lets out an evil chuckle then trows his bottle at me missing me by the slightest and hitting the wall behind me beer going everywhere

He stands up , grabs my arm then throws me on the bed

You can imagine what comes next

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