Chapter 13

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Sam has put cartoons on the tv for josh and me and him are in the kitchen

"So how has everything been?" He asks

"Amazing!" I kinda lied

"That's good!"

We both look at josh who is now playing with Priya

"I have a question"he blurts out

"And I don't want to start an argument but why didn't you tell me about josh and why wasn't I invited to your wedding ? Hell mum wasn't even invited!" He shouts the last part

"I never told you about josh because when I had him we were so focused on him then started working early till late and you didn't come to our wedding because it was only me Alex and josh that went" I need to stop lying

"Okay I'm sorry it's just it's been five years , and I went through rehab one of those years , all I needed was my baby sister " he says while bringing me into a hug

I start to tear up

"Dude your only a couple minutes older"

I say trying to lighten the mood and he starts to laugh

We put away and he just smiles at me

"So all of the groomsmen are going to be here soon" he tell me

"Omg I haven't seen your friends in ages!"

"Yeah some of them missed you more than others" he says with a smirk


He brings his fingers to his lips and pretends to zip them


"I'll get it!" I say because Sam Priya josh and my mum are currently playing twister

I open the door and de ja vu


"Omg Sophia hi I haven't seen you in ...."

"Five years , it's the first thing everyone has said to me" I say cutting him off laughing a little at the end

He just give me a small smile

"Come here" I say and pull him in for a hug

Ethan POV

She still smells so fucking good and looks good

Like damn this girl been doing them squats we pull away and I look down to see a wedding ring on her finger

"So your married?" I ask her

"Yeah " she says covering her hand

"To Alex ?"

She just nods and I feel my heart break a little

"Anyway come I-"

Sophia POV

"Anyway come I-"

I'm cut off by a loud car horn

I look behind Ethan to see Grayson , Cameron and Arron

"Sophia!" Cameron calls out he has always been like brother to me

He runs over to me a picks me up spinning me around

"Cameron let me down !" I say laughing

He puts me down and I hug all of the boys then we walk in side

"Mummy mummy look at what auntie Priya gave me!" Josh says running up to me with a lollipop in his hand I bend down to his level

"Did you say thank you to her ?" He nods his head " okay go play with grandma"

"Okay mummy !" He says enthusiastically then kisses my check

I turn around to the boys and Ethan isn't there

"Anyone want a drink?" I ask them all

"Soph chill we are here more than you we know where everything is " Arron tells me and I just nod

I look in the back garden to see Ethan smoking

The one thing I hate about my self is when josh isn't at home and neither is Alex I would smoke all my problems away

Well they never fully went away the cigarettes just make me forget everything for a while

I walk outside to Ethan

"Hey "

He looks up

"Oh hey soph"

"Can I have one ?"

He gives me an unsure look

"Are you sure ?"

"Yeah I would go get my own but I can't be asked" I say truthfully

He just smiles and hand me one with the lighter

"Why you come out here?"

"You wanna know the truth Sophia?"

I just nod my head

Ethan POV

She nods her head

Well here goes nothing

"The reason I used to bully you in school was because I liked you but I know your life would be a train wreck if you were with me so I made sure that if you had any feeling for me that they would go away , then you come back after a year and damn you made it harder for me to not fall in love with you but then you were with Alex but I didn't care I was still willing to try then you leave for five years and you come back looking as fine as ever and it breaks me to see that you have a child and you are happily married ."

I take a breath

She just looks at me like she's about to cry

"Sophia what's wrong?"

"Who said anything about a happy marriage?" She says back

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing forget I even said anything "

She says while putting her cigarette out and walk back into the house

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