Chapter 10

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I'm still in Spanish and I'm slowly fall asleep I feel my head land on something hard but I open my eyes and it's not the table

I turn my head and look up to see Ethan

I quickly sit up

"Sorry " I whispered

"That's okay I like it " he said then his head snapped in my direction realizing what he just said

" it's just I'm kinda cold and you were warm " he tries to recover

I giggle a little to myself

A couple minutes later

"Sophia!" The teacher asks

"Chloe!" I return in the same voice

She gives me a stern look and I just give her a huge smile

"Question 1 what is it ?"

You tell me your the teacher I say in my head

"Hummm what does Feliz Navidad mean in Spanish?" I look at Ethan and he is laughing at me

"Chloe can I phone a friend?"

"Whatever just hurry up !"

"Hummmmm Ethan who should I call .... oh I know I'll call my 17 years of fluent Spanish"

I get my phone out of my pocket and put it up to my ear

"Hello yeah ummm what does Feliz Navidad mean?"

I wait a few seconds with a straight face and Ethan is pissing himself laughing at this point

"Oh okay thanks anyway!"

I put my phone in my back pocket and put my arms on the table looking like a news host

"Okay Chloe I think I have an answer is it merry fucking Christmas bitch!" I shout the last part

"Sophia Sanchez out of my class !"

I stand up and walk out the class then pop my head back into the class

"And a happy new year!" I shout once more

Then I slam the door and walk down the hall

Then I see something I never want to see again

It's Alex with that bitch Jessica

Fucking sucking their each other's faces off

She's kissing him and he's kissing her back

Until she pulls away from him

"Why don't we take this to the janitors closet?" She asks him

"I can't"

"Why not ?"


"You know what you two deserve each other " the little bitch says while walking away

Alex pulls out his phone and I see him scroll through his contacts

"Hello Louise ... yeah I need help" he says

"Okay so you know Sophia?"

"Yeah the that one "

"Well we kinda have a thing going and I really like her but ...... I fucked up. Bad"

"I kissed Jessica"

I was done with this conversation like yeah he is trying to be nice and I just heard him express his feelings for me

I start to walk past him out of the school but I feel someone pull on my arm

"Sophia wait !"

I turn around to face him tears falling out of my eyes

"How much of that did you hear ?"

I took a deep breath

"Well ...... I heard and SAW everything"

His head dropped

"I am so sorry soph"

"You know what I think I'm just going to quit school and become a stripper "

He looked me up and down while biting his lip

"I mean I would come for the show "

I laugh and hit his chest

"Seriously though if you want to actually leave school ... " he held my hands " I'll leave with you we can get an apartment together in Washington the place you have always wanted to live , what do you say ?"

"Omg yes yes yess!" I yell as I jump into his arms

New year new me~E.DWhere stories live. Discover now