Chapter 12

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It's the next morning and I wake up naked to no Alex then I look at the clock to realise it's 9:30 on a Monday morning He is probably at work and thank fuck josh stayed at Alex's mums house last night so that she could take him to pre school this morning

I stand up and look in the mirror and I see all of the bruises on my body

I go to my vanity and try to find my concealer

Great I have none left

I put some clothes on and lay down on my bed watching my favourite ever show 'one day at a time'


I look at my phone to see it's an incoming call from Sam

I answer the phone, I don't care at this moment if Alex doesn't want me to talk to him


"Hey soph I haven't heard from you in almost five years ! How have you been ?"

"I'm fine " I lied " how are you ?"

"Well that's what I'm phoning for I just got engaged!"

"Omg congratulations!"

"Yeah and my soon to be wife doesn't have any girl friends old enough to be her maid of honour...."

"Yeah ?"

"So we were wondering if you would like to be her maid of honour !"

"Yes I would love to"

"Okay well we are getting married in a month so would you be able to come back to New Jersey to help set everything up ?"

"Yeah sure can I bring josh?"

"Josh ?"

"Yeah josh your nephew"

"Yess of course it will be nice to finally meet him"

"Okay I'll be there maybe by tomorrow so see you then "

"Okay bye sis I love you !"

"Byee I love you too!"

I put the phone down and start getting my stuff ready and stuff for josh

I buy the tickets for me and josh then it's time to pick him up from school

We are back home and josh is eating before we leave then I remember something

Shit I have to tell Alex

I quickly unlock my phone and call him

"Hey baby girl" he answers

"Hi so I wanted to tell you something..."

"What is it ?"

"I'm going back to New Jersey for a month for my brothers wedding"

"No !"


"You are not going !" He says shouting down the phone so I go to another room so that josh doesn't hear

"Alex please He is my twin brother who didn't even come to my wedding the least I can do is go to his , please I'll be back then we can give josh to your mum and have a little honeymoon of our own " I cringe at the last part

"Fine but you are taking that little shit with you !"

"Of course! Thank you so much !"

I put the phone down then check the time

We are late

I call an Uber to come pick us up

We have just landed in New Jersey and my mum is supposed to be picking me and josh up from the airport

We walk out side and I immediately see my mum

I run up to her and give her the biggest hug ever

I turn around to see josh just standing there awkwardly

I bend down to his level

"Josh this is you grandma Penelope"

"Hi !" He waves with a shy smile

My mum stands there in awe

"He so much more precious in person!" She says while hugging him

I just laugh at her

"Let's get going then" she says

" Okay , come on josh" he grabs my hand as I buckle him in , I know it's dangerous because he doesn't have a car seat but his is in my Cadillac at home

I get to my mums house and she tells me to take my stuff up to the guest room which was my old room

"Sophia Sam has asked me to take you to his house to meet his fiancé!"

"Okay I'm coming!" I yell as I grab some snacks for josh and his I pad and put it in his back pack then I make sure I have my phone and purse

Then I get in the car with my mum and josh

We pull up to a nice little two story house and I get josh out of the car and me him and my mum walk up the driveway to his door

Mum knocks and it opens revealing a little woman with long black hair tanned skin and the sweetest smile ever

She pulls me into a hug then pulls away

"Hi you must be Sophia I have heard a lot about you , my names Priya nice to meet you"

She is so sweet

"Nice to meet you too" I say through a smile and she returns it then she looks down to josh

"And who might you be little man ?"

"Hi , my name is josh" he says shyly

She gives both of us a big smile

"Omg sorry come in come in"

I walk in to the house and you can tel Sam did NOT decorate it

"Sam your sister is here!" Priya shouts upstairs

"Coming!" Sam shouts back

Moment later Sam comes into the living room where we are currently standing 

The same process happens that happened with my mum and Priya

God I missed this

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