Chapter 21-Betheny

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Chapter 21


"What in God's name have you done to get yourself banished from court!" my father yelled at me.

My mother, brothers and their wives all sat around the table in our dining hall. Their faces sore afraid that we would lose the king's favor. I simply smiled at them.

"What is amusing? I would like to know that." my brother asked.

"That you think this is a punishment. The king sent me here because he loves me.

"Sister, I think you may be mad." Kitana, my elder brother's wife added.

"He lay with me moments before he told me to come here. He expressed his love for me and said I cloud his judgement when it comes to the queen. That is what we need. We need him to second guess his love for her. He wants me back in mere days. Why do you think he allowed me to bring one of his graces? He would not have his sons away from him and you all here know that to be true."

"Let's say what you speak is right. You can never be queen. He has one." My brother announced.

"Yes, and she is lying in in a futile attempt to produce a living heir. We know that she has not yet been able to do so. Why should this be any different? When she delivers him another still born, or miscarries, he will come to me. He is almost with me now."

"How do you know this baby shall not live?" Ben, one of my brothers asked.

"I almost saw to it myself. I offered cinnamon cakes. She took to bleeding. The baby still lives because she was further in her pregnancy than we knew." I admitted with a shrug.

"What you speak is treason. Yet it rolls from your tongue with ease. I feel I barely know you." My mother spoke.

"Mother. I do not wish to disappoint you. Only to elevate all of our stations. There are times that it requires things that are not done sweetly. Would you not want to see your only daughter on the throne? You as mother to the queen? Her sons to follow their father? If I do not speak plainly of what this family truly wants, then who will?"

My mother stood and excused herself from the table. My father called after her.

"Father, let her go. She shall come to. If anyone else has not the stomach for this, they may go as well. But, I warn you, you shall not speak of anything you have heard here. Yet, if this works, I shall not forget you when I am queen."

"What are your thoughts?" my father asked.

"We may not get to the queen now. After the child comes, whether they live or follow their siblings to the grave, she will be less guarded. One of her ladies is a great friend of mine.

As you know, there are herbs that can cause a woman in her childbed to bleed."

"Say no more of it." My father announced. Understanding very well the plan.

Moments later, my son's nurse came to bring him to us for a visit. We all stood and curtsied and bowed to him. For he was set above us all as a duke. And one day, lord willing, a prince.

The Queen's Plan (Pre-Order on Amazon) release date 2/19/19Where stories live. Discover now