Chapter 16-His Majesty

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Chapter 16

His Majesty

Once I saw my wife back to her chambers, she fell asleep quickly. Her ladies told me that she had much wine and tears as my children were born. It hurt me to see her in such a way. I loved her. I also loved these children. I imagine I should thank her for them as much as their mother.

Without my wife forcing this upon me, I would not know what it was like to look into the eyes of a child and see myself. Betheny had done well to birth two. I knew she was resting. I returned to her chambers in any case. Leaving instructions to be sent for when the queen woke.

When I arrived, Bethy had them both lying in the bed with her. I went and laid on the other side. Leaving them between us. We both watched and smiled at them as well as each other.

"Well, father. How do you feel?" she asked me.

"I don't think I can put it into words. My heart is full."

"As is mine."

"You did well my lady. Very well. I shall show you how much I appreciate it. There are gifts being made for you now."

This made her smile. But there was more that she wanted. I could tell. It was for the children.

"Shall you ring the bells?" she inquired of me. Causing my face to change.

"The bells are for princes and princesses." I explained.

"Is that not what they are?" she asked. Knowing the answer. But wanting to plant the seed of what they could be if she were my wife. Kings put their queens away all the time for infertility. Knowing this, she no doubt saw no reason that I should not do the same.

"I thought you understood. They are the sons of a king. But not of a queen." I reminded her.

"They could be." She said under her breath.

"Speak up. What were your words?" I asked of her.

"Jerrold. You say that you love me. Is that still true?" she asked.

"It is."

"I know you love the queen. As do I. But I have given you your heart's desire and the saviors of the kingdom. I hear tale that a queen may be invited into retirement for many different reasons." she said, continuing to look at my babies.

"You want me to send my young wife to a nunnery?" I asked.

"That is your choice, of course your majesty. If the marriage is annulled. She retains her princess status and may marry again. She is still young. She may yet be able to give some prince or duke a child. In time. But a king needs heirs to his kingdom now. He can not depend on what can be. A king must think of what is, now. And now you have not one, but two healthy and handsome heirs. Again. It is your choice. I only had a thought and wanted to share it." she announced.

She should have been afraid that I would curse her. Or leave her alone. I did neither. My mind was working. She could tell. Knowing me well now. We continued to play and love on the dukes until it was time for them to eat again. I fell asleep with her in my arms. When she woke, I was gone.

There was a note that I would be to see our sons later. I had meetings and announcements to make. She would be fine. She had my children near her. And she couldn't bear anything less.



Jerrold sent a note saying that the boys were to be christened and given their title. He had named them. Julian and Johnston. I loved their names. And I loved their father. He loved me as well.

My mother, father and brother with their wives arrived to see me and the children.

"How are you? Did you labor hard?" My mother asked.

"Mother. It was awful. Though, when they put my boys in my arms all was forgiven."

"Children have a way of doing that. It is true. Where are my grandsons?"

I pointed to their nursery. My mother and all the family went to see them. All except my father. He stayed to speak with me.

"Are you well, Countess?" he asked.

"Father. I am still your Bethy. And yes, I am well."

"Do we know where the king leans concerning the children and the queen.?" He asked as came and sat close to me. I knew that some servants were plants of the queen. I was careful of what I spoke.

"I brought it to him. He seemed to consider it, though he has not decided."

"So, it is safe to say that your birthing twin heirs for the king had brought you closer to what it is I know you long for?"

"It may very well have, father. Pray that is so."

"I do. I am most proud of you than any other. Know that, my lady." He said as he kissed me on the head.

"Father. I thank you for all you have done. I love you dearly. Now, go, see their graces. They long to meet their grandfather. I dear say I would want you to have much to do with their education at being gentlemen. Might I trust you with such?" I asked.

"You may trust me with anything, my lady." He kissed my cheek and headed to the nursery.

I laid back to rest. Recovering from my childbed was work itself. I closed my eyes and slept.

The Queen's Plan (Pre-Order on Amazon) release date 2/19/19Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant