Part 3 2/2

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In order to keep those thoughts away and in hope that his chest wouldn't hurt as much as it did.Yoongi had a few more drinks, he had begun to feel lighter and a little giddy inside.

After a round of cheers and the sound of clinking glasses, the table became rowdier, hearty chatter surrounded the room as most of the guys laughed and jeered in unison.Yoongi began to chuckle upon seeing Jin and Jungkook having a drinking battle.

Both competitors started off strong but the look of distaste Jungkook had for the alcohol made Yoongi's gummy smile appear.

For a split second he felt as if someone was watching him.

 However, before he could see who, a loud slam brought his attention towards the sudden noise.

Despite his strongman appearance Jungkook surrendered fairly quickly, he had dropped his drink down in defeat (the origin of the noise) and lay his head on the table and groaned.

"I'll... beat you next time."Taehyung pat his back whilst grinning cheesily in order to console his loss.

Yoongi and Hoseok chuckling at the sight.

The men buzzed with excitement as a new contender went up against Jin. Yoongi knew Jimin could handle his alcohol but everyone had a limit.Yoongi himself felt dreamy and slightly airy as he gawked at him; watching him down enough alcohol to fill up a swimming pool.

Jimin's head tilt back exposing his neck presenting his jawline and prominent adams apple; gulping down the beverage like no tomorrow.

 Yoongi gulped too.

At some point Jin gave up. The 5 left standing, stared in disbelief at how Jimin kept going, until he suddenly slammed his however many pints of alcohol down and grinned in triumph.

His eyes serious for a second, he turned and directly stared right into Yoongi's making him shudder.

 Then without warning Jimin was on the table too, out like a light switch.

Then for no reason Yoongi was suddenly feeling brave. 

Maybe it was him or maybe it could've been the alcohol.

 Maybe it was a mix of them both.

But he unsteadily got up and walked over towards the victorious yet passed out Jimin, sitting down next to him.He reached his hand out to move the soft brown hair which had fallen in front of his face.

He began to carefully caress his cheeks gently to then twirl his finger around his hair. He leaned forward to carefully gaze at Jimin's features.

He was breath taken.

Yoongi was plunged into his own world, he'd never been brave enough to truly look Jimin – he never noticed how he had small freckles on the bridge of his nose or that he had a little mole on the base of his neck, his fingers swirled in little motions around them.

He knew he was beautiful.
But now he was even more positive than before of that fact.

He murmured something in the depths of his sleep, which made Yoongi quietly smile to himself.

 Yoongi seemed to be drunk in more than just one way, not only was he was intoxicated by the alcohol.
He was intoxicated by Park Jimin.

Before he could stop himself he carefully swept Jimin's hair back to expose his forehead and carefully brought his lips down upon it and gave it a tender kiss.

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