Crocodile Tears

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Paz grew anxious as he knew that Gunnar was home. She waited by the door; he trudged inside with a very glum look on his face. The woman was quick to embrace him, and he hugged her back. She knew he was kicked off the team. He let his habit get the better of him. They made their way to the bedroom, but he dropped his bags by the door and instantly took advance of his wife's half naked body.

"We have to tell them, babe. I can't hide secrets from Shire. She my best friend."

"No, I don't think that is the best thin right now. Boss man is heated already if he knew that then my chances are deffiently fucked..." He grumbled into her sweaty shoulder, rolling over onto his side of the bed.

Paz laid her head upon his bare chest and let her sleep consume her as she heard the man of the house snoring. The morning came quickly, the woman of twenty four awoke to find Gunnar gone completely. His bike gone and no note. He was really deep into his usage. Paz took her chance, got dressed, and headed to the Ross's.

Once she pulled into the driveway, she saw Barney and her talking in a deep conversation. They hadn't noticed that she had started to approach them with a low hung head. Shire stopped immediately, running to hug her friend. She brushed the lose hairs behind her ears.

"Are you okay?"

"I am fine. I have to tell her something. "

Barney slid a chair by him. She sat down and rubbed her thighs nervously. He raised a brow at the motion.

"You using to, kid?"

"No, but I knew Gunnar was. He never hurt me or got angry. It was just a way to ease his tension when he was gone. I swear, but he is gone now. There was a reason Gunnar and I were hiding away. "

"Yea?" Shire asking, hoping it wasn't what she thought.

"You're pregnant?"

Paz never answered. She just sat silently; Shire had a sudden nauseous urge. Her friend is pregnant and her husband is a junkie.

"I don't know. I told Gunnar before he came home , but he said to keep it a secret until for sure. " Tears started to fall

Barney and Shire felt bad for the girl, but she kept a life threatening secret from them. They were upset and betrayed.

"Don't start crying. We promised to help anyway we could; you purposely hid his habit from me. One that out our lives in jeopardy, Paz. It not something to just say will wait. I told you the day I met you. I have a family to provide and protect!" Barney snapped , "I have a meeting for another job. "

Shire watched him leave without another word. She hugged her friend.

"Want to find out?" she whispered

Paz nodded, following her friend to the silver jeep. Shire made an emergency call as they drove to town.

Beauty and the Beast ( Sequel to Welcome to Wonderland)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora