Roaming with the Bears

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Few weeks has gone by, Gunnar and Paz have gotten a puppy which seemed to buy the giant some time to think things all the way through. He sat among his friends in the bar; Lee noticed his silence and nudged Caeser who caught everybody else's attention. Barney knew it was bothering him.

"Never thought I would see you so quiet. What's up with you?" Toll Road asked

Gunnar just shrugged, standing, and grabbed his coat. He left without another word. Barney followed his friend outside to find him perched on his bike, texting no doubt Paz.

"I told ya don't think to much. Now, you got a dog and a pissed off girlfriend. " Barney gruffed out

Gunnar looked up from the screen with a not so happy look. He couldn't help but seem like a very miserable man.

" were right. She loves that dog, but she seems like she still wanting a dam kid."

Barney stood beside him and handed him a small piece of paper. He raise a brow at the Italian man.

"It to a finical agent that can help you see the best moves to make so you can move your relationship forward. Paz isn't like Shire. She is a woman that wants what he wants and is going to do whatever it take to get it. " With that he walked back inside.

Gunnar smiled slightly and was gonna just see where it lead, but he knew Barney was right needed to make it more serious.

Beauty and the Beast ( Sequel to Welcome to Wonderland)Where stories live. Discover now