Monkey Business

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The Jensen couple arrived at the Ross's residence to see Barney under his motorcycle with a beer not far from his reach. Gunnar stopped the bike a few feet from the garage entrance; Paz climbed off and kicked the Italian man's foot. He rolled out from under the bike to see his wife's friend, but little to his care did he even try to cover his shirtless chest.

"How that getting laid?" she joked

Barney rolled his eyes just as a the two girls came running outside and to the car. He laughed at their giddiness.

" need to ask about yours. I heard from Shire." before Pas could get to far she heard, " Don't worry about my love life I got three kids and not too rub it in a very hot wife." He said with a wink as Shire walked out in a fitting black tee shirt and dark denim.

Paz saw how her body was still very desirable even after three kids. Yes, she carries a little extra weight, but her wide set hips , thick legs, rounded rump, and her c cup chest made her size seven body a double take. Paz only hoped to look that good when she has kids; Gunnar slapped his girlfriends ass signal her to head out with the leading lady.

"While your out shopping get you something ." he whispered into her ear before she join the four in the car.

Paz couldn't believe how we'll behaved Barney's kids were, being his she figured they would be wild and hard to manage. Shire glanced at her friend and smiled; she could something was bothering her.

"Wanna talk about it?"

The going twenty four year old just sat silent. Her heart raced a mile a minute trying to figure out how to discuss it with kids in the car.

"They are watching a movie wit headphones your good. Tell me"

"Do you enjoy being a mother? Did you want kids before you met Barney?"

Shire nodded, knowing where this was going.

"I thought that it would be hell, and at times it is, but my children given me hope that there is good and precious things worth living for in this dark time. Yes, I never thought it would be with a man almost twenty years older then me. He was my first and has been my only. The guys pick on him time from tine, but we have something they don't. "


Shire held up her left and right had revealing four beautiful rings; a black onyx band on her thumb, wedding ring ,engagement ring, and promise ring.

"True bond and love which always makes the sex way better when you are doing it with someone you enjoy being with and seeing their face in the morning. When kids see that their parents are happy, it make the family stronger. " The mother chalked , " You wanting kids with Gunnar? I not here to judge, but do be careful he has had anger issues in the past. You have done him we'll. I don't want you hurt"

Just as Paz was about to counter, Hunts started crying. Shire tapped Snow's leg. She jumped but knew what she needed to do when Paz saw the nine year old give her brother the bottle.

"He has had a rough past, but I not going to hold it against him. Barney not the cleanest record. He is known as the Schizo for a reason. He got three kids."

"Yes, you're right. I not saying Gunnar doesn't deserve them; every man deserves to feel that joy. Barney takes his family seriously as we'll as his job. I known Gunnar for twelve years; he has a problem with stress is all. I ain't gonna say don't, but do proceed with caution. Talk to him about it first because Grethal was a surprise; we didn't even know each that long before I was pregnant. It turned out great. Sometimes it doesn't turn for best. You got Barney and I."

Paz smiled. She knew she wanted kids and took her friends word seriously. Shire patted the girls leg and turned into the mall parking lot. Once she parked, the two girls jumped out, helping set up Hunt's stroller while Shire made sure she had everything she needed. The girls began giggling, skipping, and goofing off infront of the adults. Paz heard Shire chuckle.

"After all my Romanian sister, kids and husbands are just monkey business all the time."

The two women laughed, entering the busy building.

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