Chapter 1: The Day of Remembrance

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A plane roars overhead, the sound echoing for miles, the city rested underneath it and the rooftops on top of that. On one of the rooftops, a boy, around sixteen years old, stood near the edge of it, looking into the distance and held a picture of a woman and a baby. The boy started to tear up at the sight of it.

This boy's name was Y/N L/N.

Y/N: So... it's that time again... isn't it? *Sighs* Thirteen years now... thirteen years.

He gripped the picture tightly, trying to hold back his tears. Sniffles of sadness, however, were ever-present.

Y/N: I-I promised... that I wouldn't... that I wouldn't cry. *Sniffles* G-guess y-you shouldn't... make a promise t-to someone if you... can't keep it.

Despite his best efforts at keeping them back, tear drops splattered parts of the picture, but he didn't care.

Y/N: WHY!? WHY DID YOU HAVE TO DIE?! *He drops to his knees* W-what kind of person am I... to g-get their own mother... killed.

Flashback|13 years ago

The same mourning boy was seen playing in a garden, holding a toy revolver and aiming it at some plastic cups while his mother was standing in the distance, smiling. The boy aimed at one of the cups and fired a plastic dart towards it, the impact knocking it off the table. The younger Y/N cheered in victory and reloads another dart into it and proceeds to hit it again. After hitting them all, his mother came over.

Her name was Crystal.

Y/N: Mommy, Mommy look! I hit them all! I finally did it!

Crystal: So it seems. *Chuckles* I'm so proud of you Y/N, I just know you're going to be a hero one day.

Y/N: *Gasp* Really?! Do you think so?!

Crystal: I know so. *She hugs him* You're going to be the best hero, I know you're going to live up to your idol.

Y/N: He's so cool! Every time criminals corner him he takes them down, never missing a shot!
I want to be just like him!

Crystal: And you will Y/N. *She lets go* Come on, your dinner is going to get cold.


Afterwards, the three year old boy ran inside after his mother and after eating his F/F he heads to his room and admires the poster of his idol.

Y/N: I can't wait to grow up! I'm gonna be just like you and stop the bad guys!

Present day

Y/N: You never doubted me, not even for a second. You always believed that I would be a great hero someday...

He looks off into the distance, noticing everyone going about their daily lives whilst he was standing on the roof.

To others it may've seemed weird, but to him it was normal.

Y/N: ...yet that dream was dashed a long time ago.

Flashback|13 years ago|A day later

The boy was now in a car with his mother, Crystal. Just like yesterday he was playing with his toy revolver in the backseat but his attention was caught when he saw the billboards and massive screens display the current pro heroes and their achievements.

One of those was his idol: Snipe

Y/N: *Gasp* Mommy look! There he is, on the screen! He looks so cool!

Crystal: *Laughs* You never seem to give up do you, always praising his deeds.

Y/N: That's right! And when I grow up I wanna be just like him and be cool!

Through the Memories We Hold Dearly (A BNHA Male reader X Mina story) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now