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"I didn't expect your place to look like this." Amiri stood awkwardly in her home. "Orderly."

"My life shouldn't look like chaos on the outside."

"I believe that." He smirked, still looking around.

"Okay, let me put this fabric up and I'll meet you."

"You flew all the way here just to talk about why I left?" She said coming in the room. His back was to her and Zipporah actually looked at him in profile and felt an already intense pull to him that she couldn't let go. She sighed.

"Why did you leave? I thought we were making progress. And you didn't give me a chance to explain myself."

"Because I was your employee. Maybe I was catching feelings of some sort. I'm still trying to figure all this out." She admitted.

"Well that but really what happened the last time we were just together. I think that got out of hand pretty fast but I can't help that I'm attracted to you. I can't understand why..."

"Amiri, you shouldn't have been attracted to me..."

"If you're so hard up on me being your boss, the first time fucking me was a mistake. The second time was a choice. Why did you let it get that far?" he asked suddenly and looked her fully in the eyes with such intensity.

"Why did I? Why did you? A dick can't fuck itself!" Zippy throws back at him."Why does it really matter to you?" She was really trying to move on from the conversation, but he wasn't going to budge. "To be honest, that was the first time I'd felt any time of sexual anything for almost 2 years. I wanted to feel...something." This conversation is really just fueling the fire, She thought to herself and got up and started fumbling around with random things around the room. She could feel his energy as he walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around me. "Who was that woman?"

"Sicilia, the woman I was photographed with, is my ex wife. I flew to South America to make some business connections but when I got there I found out it was her business venture that was looking for collaboration. I called everything off. The picture was taken of us arguing about our divorce and our deceased son, Angelo." Amiri explained. Zippy squinted her eyes in mistrust.

"You believe me right?" he whispered before lowering his face to hers. Zippy wrapped her arms around his neck for better leverage. His lips touched hers and somehow it was more...passion driven. The kiss grew deeper, almost possessively hungry. Amiri pushed them against the wall for more leverage. He took control of the situation and she bit down to fight the urge to moan softly. Her legs shook slightly and her knees almost buckled.

"You should go." Zippy tried to pull away. Ask questions, she thought.

"No...not yet." He pleaded with her. Once again her protests were falling on deaf ears. Somehow Zippy found the strength to push him away just enough to move away. With her legs shaking, she plopped on the sofa. They involuntarily spread apart just slightly.

"This is too much. You are too much." She spoke as if she was talking to herself, not him. Her warning continued to fall on deaf ears as he looked at her with those green eyes.

She rose up and kissed his neck. The couple locked eyes before Amiri untied her robe and slithered his smooth but rough hands on her exposed belly. She gasped at his warm hands on her cool skin. His hands unclasped her bra. Amiri felt everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Zipporah was spinning, and fast. My mind was somewhere else as I tugged at his shirt. By now, he had slipped his fingers inside. His eyes never wavered from hers as he felt around her. An animalistic feeling took over them and she jumped on top of him with this wild feeling. He carried her to the bedroom.

His nose inhaled deeper while his lips gripped the soft skin around her neck softly. I exhaled nervously. Everything seemed still and quiet. They locked eyes in the mirror. "Miri..." She moaned softly while his lips suckled on her favorite spot. She clenched him and held on tightly. He slid her robe off. The cold air in the room caused her nipples harden quickly as she anticipated his mouth on them. "No, your turn." Zipporah smiled as she grabbed the tails of his shirt. His hands had made their way down to the string on his sweats. The switched positions and she inhaled his scent. Shower clean, she thought. Just before she went to kiss him like he kissed her, Amiri flipped her clean on her back. She never saw it coming, but apparently he didn't like favors returned sexually.

Amiri rubbed his hands up and down her thighs, making me more and more excited. She watched as his erection got larger and larger. Then her panties were slid from under her. He left kisses from her breasts to her bellybutton. Zipporah opened her eyes when I felt cold air from Amiri leaving her to finish undressing himself. She closed her eyes again when she felt his skin against hers again. He spread her legs further apart and inhaled again. His tongue touched her wetness and her breath caught. He licked and licked as though she was going to leave.

"Amiri..." she moaned and squirmed.

He clamped his arms around her thighs to hold her in that position. She couldn't catch her breath in time for her first orgasm to wash over her. He got up to lower his body into her. Zipporah could feel the tip of him at the entrance and shivered.

"Cold?" he asked with his voice sounding husky.

"No..." his eyes in the moonlight were too much to handle as he moved inside of her, her body immediately adjusting to his size. He pushed until he was all the way. Her walls held him fiercely and felt a loss until he pushed back in not so nicely. Amiri felt like he was attacking the G-spot repeatedly. I pushed upward and met him with an explosive orgasm.

After several rounds, the two were pleasantly exhausted.

"You got something going on with that Sicilia woman."

"No I don't. You didn't say anything over the phone. What am I here for?"

"You came on your own! You know as well as I do that if I told you no it'll be another argument and you would show up anyway! Besides you mad at me, but you still have your hoes!" She retorted back.

"That's not the point. You're already mine." He came back.

"How am I yours when you won't even take me out in public. Just give dick and leave sometimes. The fuck are you even saying!"

"You didn't say none of this last night." He throws back.

"I need some space." She argued back. She watched Amiri's eyes dart between her and himself, reveling her words. "Amiri I need more than just sex and occasional conversation. I don't want luxurious things all the time, I need a man to be there for me. I'm in an awkward transition in my career and life right now. I need you to understand this. I told you I can't handle casual sex! I need love, support, understanding...TIME! And I don't think you can give me that." When she was finished, her chest heaved up and down.

"You really think I can't be all of that?" He spoke quietly.

"No." She said definitively. "No matter how many feelings I have for you or how good your sex is, something will be missing in our relationship."

"Meet me at the airport in 2 hours. If you don't show up, I know you meant it." He hopped down from the counter and left her condo.

"Wassup bih!" Popper hollered in the phone. "You sound depressed."

"I'm in a world of trouble. It's a guy. We met in France and he came to see me. We got into an argument and now he wants me to just pack some bags and meet him at the airport."

"What does your heart want?"

"Him. Casanova."

"What does your mind want?"

"To be by myself for a while so I can figure this out myself."

"But sis. You may have stronger feelings for him than you know. You love Casanova. Go with your heart. Take a chance on love." Popper advised and hung up the phone.

With 5 minutes to spare, Zippy ran to the private lane for the individual planes. Amiri stood there with a smirk and outstretched hands.

"I'm taking a chance." She whispered to him.

Casanova (Minnelli Family Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now