Casanova's Misjudgement

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South of France
Zippy St. Victoire

"Bitch... I lowkey wouldn't even be mad if you don't come back! These designs you sent last night! You looking up already. Have you seen anything outside of the house?" Popper was harassing me early in the morning.

"Why are you like this!" I couldn't help but laugh at her. "But to answer your question, I have not. I just stay in the room I converted and use the kitchen for the most part. And I sleep in that big ass room I showed you.

"I mean, that's enough for me. The views though." Popper pretended to fan herself over the FaceTime call. We changed the subject and talked for another hour or so.

A few hours later, I found a way to send myself a bunch of fabric to get my ideas out on a mannequin. Boxes and boxes of material were sprawled all out in the study I'd adopted as my own. Popper told me that she'd shown my drawings to a lot of headliners. Maybe this is inspiration I needed, I thought but shrugged it off. Carrying a particularly heavy box out of the room, I heard a creak on the stairs. Rounding the corner in a completely different suit was a man. I dropped the box and dusted my hands off.

"You must be the house sitter."

"Zipporah St. Victoire." I extend my hand to the man.

"Casanova." He took my hand. I kept it sweet as sparks, warm and tingly sparks went up my arm. He held a possessive hand on my hand. Like he'd known me my whole life...or longtime lovers.

"That's the name my mama gave me apparently." I responded when my heart stopped racing.

"I can see you're enjoying your stay?" He removed his coat. I eyed him warily.

"'s a gorgeous home." I changed the subject. "And since you're home, I can be on my way."

"No you're not..." he fixed himself a glass of alcohol and didn't even turn around. His nonchalance was blowing my mind. "I'm leaving for Spain in a few days." He still hasn't turned around.

"Hmm okay." I turned from the man and picked up my box again.

"While I'm here, why don't I give you a tour of the house?" he waits until I put the box in the studio. Casanova peeks in the room but doesn't say anything else.

"Okay...I'd like that." I follow him down the stairs. The huge mansion had a simple floor plan and each wing was labeled North, South, East, and West. Easy enough, I thought.

"Any questions?" He tipped his glass in my direction. I shake my head. "And stay away from the south wing. That's your first and only warning. won't warn you again."

"Why that wing?" I asked as we finished up close to the kitchen. My eyes danced a little.

For a split second, I swore his eyes turned a deeper green, his skin turn red. I step back immediately. "Because I said so." Casanova growled. An icy chill ran up my spine as he left. I sighed and headed back to my work space. Apparently what choice did I have?

Amiri Minnelli

"So the house sitter is here?" Bethany bounced around on her iPhone putting my schedule together. I looked up from my place on the contract with her fiance, Francois with a look of confusion.

"Yes. Why?" I squinted my eyes at her.

"Have you tried to fuck her yet?" she didn't look up from her phone. My mouth hung in shock. Of course, I'd thought about the pint-sized woman in the other wing of the house but it was more to her than just fucking.

"Bethany...I think you should stick to professional schedule and not my personal." I tried to laugh off.

"Okay, that could be done but knowing you as long as I have're probably thinking about it." her eyes twinkled. Bethany was my cousin from my mother's side of the family. Her long strawberry blonde hair was a contrast on her caramel colored skin and freckles. Her laugh echoed around the room. "You didn't even deny it..." she cackled at me.

"Get yo girl Frankie..."I mumbled, defeated.

"Babe. Don't do your cousin like that..." he spoke up. She rolled her eyes at him next before rambling off my schedule for the next trip. Antonio and my dad were coming to do this launch of the fashion line for men.

"I can't believe you don't have any women working on this line..." Beth wrinkled her nose. "What did Auntie say?"

"We're idiots..." I mumbled.

"What she say? Speak up!" She taunted me.

"She said we're idiots! Damn! Go on somewhere." I grabbed my Macbook and left the couple to their own devices in the wing. I found myself in the west wing of the house. Spending time with my family puts me in a much better mood than being in the house by myself. So many memories, I can't stand to be here but I can't let the house go. Or maybe I just don't want to.

Hours later, I found myself loose and driving through the countryside for some entertainment. A beautiful bombshell of a woman was attempting to get my attention from across the bar. I recognized her face, we'd had a few encounters over the years.

"Minnelli." She finally took charge.

"Skip the small talk."

"Nothing's changed huh? Just this hair." She laughed, slinking an arm in mine.

"Ahh...mmm so big." One of my jump offs squeals when she finished. I didn't even look at her. "What's taken you so long?"

"Questions get you cut off. You know?" I blinked at her, putting my clothes on to go home.

"You need a're so cold." The woman batted her melting eyelashes at me.

"Even if I would agree with you, you're not my type. Considering your pussy wider than the hallway of your apartment in the first place." I watched her eyes widen.

"Get the fuck out." She yelled.

"You said nothing's changed. Should've remembered that."

Zippy St. Victoire

"Are you sure they really want to see my creations in real life?" I was trying to reassure myself of the news that Popper was relaying to me.

" a few months, they want to see a few dresses. Prom dresses, wedding dresses. That kinda thing."

"I'm stitching a dress on a mannequin as we speak."

"Girl...have you heard that the Minnelli brothers are coming out with their own fashion line for men?" she squealed in my ear.

"No...I'm pretty isolated here. Minnelli? Aries Minnelli? That name sounds so familiar. I'm pretty sure I only know of the dad but I heard he had twins."

"Yeah, they should be close to 30 years old now. Shid...only one of them is married these days. If you get a chance to meet one, you better buss it open like ya mama taught you bih. We all gonna eat!"

"Go to work you crazy bitch! I can not stand you!" I laughed out. We said our goodbyes and hung up.

Casanova (Minnelli Family Series Book 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang