Mommy Dearest

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Miami Beach, Florida

"Zippy...I am so proud of you!" Her doctor mother wrapped her arms around her. Zippy smiled happily as her mother looked down at her and took her in for another hug. Her belly blocking them from hugging completely.

"Ma... are you really happy for me?" She asked nervously. "I mean you weren't always fond of my love of fashion."

"It wasn't that I wasn't fond of it." Her mother stepped away from her, deep in thought. "I was afraid that you would constantly face rejection. And pain. And honestly, I couldn't take not being able to point you in the right direction through fashion like I can with medicine. Being a specialist doctor, having so many connections, you could've gotten into any medical school of your choice. Not just with my connections but with your brains. I regret not being so open with my thoughts on it but rather discouraged it. That's my fault."


"Let me finish. You are the creative side of me. The fearless side of me. The me I wish I could be every day." Her mother rubbed her growing belly. A kick took them both by surprise. "Just continuing to work with your designs while pregnant is more than what I could've done. I would've freaked out and stopped my dream by now. But not you. That's commendable, Zippy. I love that about you."

Zippy wipes her eyes. Damn hormones, she thought.

"Carving your own path instead of following the path carved for you. And I was jealous of your bravery, even though I gave you every opportunity to do so." Her mother wiped away her tears. "So, when I say I'm so proud of you doing something that you love. I mean that and I support you from afar and in life when I can. Please forgive me for not being that outlet you needed."

"I forgive you Mom. I forgive you." The women embraced. They wiped away their tears.

"Are you dating anybody new now? Hopefully you're more than dating." Her mother was sewing a patch on something. Zipporah looked up and thought about Amiri and blushed. "What's his name?"

"Amiri..." she blushed deeper. "But it's so complicated Ma."

"I haven't seen you blush like that since Bryson... he must be that much more special." Her mother smirked. "And I got time." Her mother grabs another set of fabric to measure.

"We were never together but it was implied that we were. And I found out that he was dibbling back with his ex-wife."

"Ex-wife?! How old is this nigga?" her mother whips her head around in shock.

"He's twenty-nine now. But anyway, yes. So I cut it off but not long after I did, I found out I was pregnant. So I'm dealing with that and trying to focus on not being depressed so I can have happy babies. But it hurt me Ma. I was falling so hard and fast for him."

"Have you talked to him about it? Told him exactly how you feel?"

"I don't want him around me. I don't want to hear empty promises. I want results because if we're going to raise this kid together or separately, I can't keep feeling like this."

"Maybe he should hear this." Her mother suggests. "It's his child too."

"Ma! I mean he is, it's just..."

"You're not ready? Or you're not ready to commit the time."

"I mean, for one. He's wealthy and that intimidates me to some degree because I really want something of my own."

"You don't need to be a strong independent black woman Zipporah. Enjoy what he has to give. It's okay..." Her mother hugged her again. "If you want to be in a relationship with him. He fine?"

"Ma!" She blushed. "Oh yeah ma. He's definitely fine." Zippy pulls up a selfie she'd saved in her phone.

"Oh shit! And he got green eyes. He got an uncle? Cousin? Hell...a godbrother?"

"Ma! Come on here." Zippy couldn't help but laugh at her mom.

Meanwhile in France, Amiri sat across his mother in one of the home his parents were renovating. He looked around at just how different everything has been for him.

"So, I had to find out from your brother that you have an intended now." She looked over at him.

"Intended? You sound 80 years old mama." He laughed. "I guess I do have an intended."

"That explains why you're going to therapy again, yes?"

"I haven't been talking to you huh? I mean yeah, it was time for a change. I'm ready..." he thought carefully. "I love her."

"Your house sitter?"

"She's a fashion designer." He said a bit defensively.

"I was just going to see if you defended her..." his mother stood from the table. "What makes her so different from Sicilia?"

"She reminds me a lot of you. Stubborn and determined for herself. She doesn't do anything if she doesn't want to do it, regardless if I want it or not." Amiri slipped deep in thought. "She's passionate about what she likes. Unapologetic."

"So, I haven't see you look like that in a while. What are you thinking my son?"

"I want to marry her." He admitted. "She's pregnant."

"Pregnant! Are you ready for that?"

"I'm not concerned about that part, pregnancy. I'm concerned about us as a unit. So, I'm trying to make some changes. I cheated on her with Sicilia."


"I felt familiar with Sicilia. But I was falling for Zipporah. I was scared to make a full commitment with Zip. I guess I was holding out for...what used to be."

"But you know she won't marry you unless she wants to, especially knowing you can't be trusted with her heart. Are you prepared for rejection?"

"I'm trying to be."

"Good." Diane doesn't ask much else. "I'm still disappointed in you. And I'm kicking your ass before you leave." She smiles. But Amiri knows, she's dead ass serious.

Casanova (Minnelli Family Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now