19 - christmas party

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"Oh my god" Braelin smiled. She unfolded the blanket and then looked it over. "I love this Est!" She smiled. "Thank you" 

"Woah" Luke smiled and looked at his scrapbook. "This is sick" He went through it and laughed at all of his pictures and captions.

Michael saw his next and smiled. "This is so cool" He smiled. "Thank you Ester" He looked at me and winked. I just smirked but as soon as he looked away it was gone. He looked through it and laughed as well, clearly enjoying the gift.

Calum smiled as he opened his. He looked it over and laughed at everything. He looked like he loved his the most, taking the time to look over each page before turning to the next. He looked at the pictures and then would look up at me and laugh.

"This is the best Ester, thank you." He smield. 

"What made you make a scrap book?" Luke asked.

"Well, you see... I want to be a photographer for like some kind of company and most photographers have books of their work. I want to do something like that but whatever i'm taking pictures of, I want to be able to put it in a personal scrapbook as well. Just so I can see how I've improved over time." I explained.

"What kind of photographer do you want to be?" Sariah asked.

"Probably a model photographer or a band photographer." I explained. 

"A band photographer?" Ashton asked.

"yeah, like a band that hires you to take pictures for them while they might be on tour or something like that." I explained to them.

"we'll let you know when our band gets famous. We'll hire you." Michael laughed.

"I was thinking the same thing" Calum said. 

"Lets go take some pictures right now" Braelin suggested. We walked out to where all the people were. We walked over to the tree and snapped pictures for what seemed like an hour. We were having a good time and I was really enjoying myself. It was the typical group that I truly loved. I didn't want this night to be any other way.

We ate and we drank a lot too. We even snuck some alcohal, something I never thought I would do. I stopped by Liz to talk with her and thank her for inviting my family who was around here somewhere. 

Everything was going perfectly unil Kasey showed up.

"Hey babe." She smiled at Calum. Calum was surprised to see her.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Calum asked.

"Well, I had to find out through someone else that there was a party tonight." She sounded irritated. "Why didn't you tell me about this?"

"You didn't tell her about the party?" I asked. I had to do everything in my power to not laugh. I could tell by Michael's expression that he was thinking the same thing.

"I thought you told me that your family was having dinner tonight?" He asked her.

"Nope." She shook her head. She was clearly annoyed and I loved that she was excluded.

"I'm sorry..." He said. He didn't really sound sorry to me but this wasn't my fight. I was actually enjoying this.

"Calum, can I talk to you outside." She said and looked directly at me. She looked me up and down and then scrunched up her nose in a disgusted way.

"Sure" he sighed.

She turned to walk out the door and Calum turned to us and rolled his eyes. I scoffed a bit and tried not to be to loud to where she could hear us.

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