00 - president

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This chapter is dedicated to the one and only lukeguitars. She was the one who came up with the idea for this story! Check her out cause she's pretty rad :)


I scanned my surroundings and watched as the people around me passed by. I saw the mixed emotions in their eyes as they all walked to their next class. Each student was feeling two things: stressed because they had less than a week to get their grades to their perfect potential, and happy because they have less than a week of school left.

As for me, I was thrilled. My grades were fine, I didn't need to adjust anything so I was just waiting for the day to come that I could sleep in. 

I wasn't a summer fanatic. I didn't do much. It gave me more opportunities to go out and take more pictures, that was a plus, but I was limited on the friends category and that limited my activities for the summer.

I wasn't the crazed partier that a normal teenager would be, it wasn't my thing to be around that many people. I liked to stay home and enjoy a nice cup of hot chocolate and a good book to dig into. But that was just me. I did have my friend Steven, but he had other friends too so it wasn't like I always had him by my side.

I was looking forward to getting a job this year. Maybe I could get a new camera or something nice for my parents; who knows. My future could be full of endless possibilities.

I entered my last class of the day and sat in the assigned seat. I was always the first in this class because of it's convenient location, right down the hall from the previous one. 

I awaited the other student's arrivals and for the bell to ring. Once it did, the teacher, Mr. Flinkens, sat at the front of the class.

Yearbook had always been my favorite class. Not only was Mr. Flinkens the best teacher on campus, but it gave me the opportunity to work on something I would like to pursue: Photography. I was more of the background photographer. I took pictures of the school itself and the students walking around. Never anyone in particular. I never stepped up to do anything that outgoing. I was far too quiet and shy.

"Alright class, now that we're cracking down on the year, it's time for us to talk about the up coming positions for next years class." Mr. Flinkens explained. "I've selected someone I find worth to take on the role for next years yearbook. This person has worked hard through out the year and previous years. This student has showed excellent work and showed a lot of effort. This person has given 110% of their time into everything they do. This person will be the president of the committee next year. This person's name is...." He was drawing out the end of his little speech. "Ester Murphy"

The students started to clap and Mr. Flinkens looked right to me. It took a minute for it to sink it. I was in total shock. Being that high of a role in any class was something I never expected.

"I look forward to seeing you all next year. We don't have anything planned for the rest of the year."

Mr. Flinkens sat down at his desk and I shot up out of my seat to talk to him.

"Mr. Flinkens.." I called out. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Hello, Ester." 

"Mr. Flinkens, I-I can't be the president." I told him.

"Ah, but that's where you're wrong." He chuckled.

"I'm serious!" I told him "i'm no where near good enough to put myself out there like that!" 

"Mrs. Murphy, you aren't giving yourself enough credit. You have amazing ideas, you're a talented photographer and if I'm not mistaken you're a good people person."

"Excuse me, Mr. Flinkens, but you are mistaken." I told him.

"And how so?" He leaned back in his chair.

"I don't talk to anyone!" I explained "I don't have any friends except one and I don't think I ever will. I'm okay with that."

"Mrs. Murphy, I am giving you this position. It's your choice and your grade to uphold the position. There will be no further discussions about this." He demanded.

"Mr. Flinkens, shouldn't you have given me a notice, or a choice?" I asked. "What if I drop the class?"

"Would you go so far as to do that?" He smiled.

"Well, no." I sighed in defeat.

"Then that's settled." He nodded. "Ester, I know you can do this if you set your mind to it."

"i'm just not that good at being... Social.." I told him.

"Well being social is apart of life. So you better start now." He assured me, "Plus, it looks good when applying for college. You'll thank me one day."

"Fine." I nodded.

I'm not so sure I will though. This sounds like it could get ugly.

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