Chapter 11: Happy Birthday Harry

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Harry and Neville decided they wanted to go on a trip for their birthdays. Well Harry talked Neville into wanting to go as he was afraid it would cost too much money. Harry decided that he wanted to go to Disney once before he was grown-up. He had heard some of the other campers talking about the differences between Disneyland, Disney World and Euro Disney and decided he wanted to go to Disney World. He thought it would be fun to go to the United States and visit Florida and see the ocean. He was able to talk Neville into going and they were going to have Remus as a chaperone. Hermione's mum had agreed to let her go as long as she had a separate room.

Harry had taken care of setting up all their paperwork for passports and such through Gringotts. Dudley was coming along as well since he didn't want to leave him out and he had never been there either. Harry had even gone into a muggle bookstore and bought vacation guides and books on what to expect that he made sure Remus and Neville read them so they would not have a problem fitting into the muggle world. Hermione had scolded him on how much money he wasted on the plane tickets by not making plans sooner but he didn't really care. He would be going to the happiest place on earth with his two best friends, his cousin and his surrogate godfather, money was immaterial.

The Dursley's were the hardest to convince to let Dudley go with Harry. They were convinced that being around all the freaks would permanently harm him. Dudley just reminded them that they had been calling him a freak all summer so far and now he would just fit in. Vernon had raged on and on that he would not pay a dime for the trip. Harry finally placed a silencing charm on the man to explain that his new godfather was arranging the trip. He then told his aunt and uncle that if they didn't allow Dudley to go he would make sure that the bank foreclosed on the house since they had not been able to make that months mortgage payment. They had taken out two different loans on the equity of the house and now owed more than twice the value of the house to the bank. Harry had no idea what they did with all the money or what all they spent it on but didn't feel bad for them at all. They finally allowed Dudley to go after three more arguments with Harry threatening to kick them out.

They were flying out very early Monday morning and would arrive in Florida in the early afternoon due to the time zone differences. They were all glad to get off the plane as 11 hours in the same seat was hard on the body. "Why didn't we just get an international portkey?" Neville asked as they headed to the exit. They had at least shrunk their luggage and had each only taken a carry-on style suitcase so they didn't need to check baggage.

"All international portkeys require a month's prior notice without getting approval directly from the minister himself. Additionally they require precise itineraries and detailed passenger lists. They also do not allow werewolves to use them. This way we avoid everyone knowing about our trip and can have Remus as our chaperone." Harry told his friend.

"Fine, but on the way back can you just charm me to sleep until we get home?" He asked hopefully and they all laughed.

They followed the driver with the 'Lupin' sign to the waiting limo and piled in. "You didn't need to rent a limo from the airport Harry!" Hermione scolded; still worried about how much Harry was spending on the trip regardless of him explaining that it wouldn't even make a tiny dent.

He just smiled at her and wondered what her reaction to the hotel and suite of rooms would be. He had to take a larger suite than they needed because it was such short notice but he had decided that was better than individual rooms that were half the hotel away from each other. They pulled into the driveway of the Grand Floridian Hotel and both Hermione and Dudley gasped at the grandeur of the place. Even Remus raised an eyebrow at Harry's choice of lodging not having expected it to be quite so impressive.

"This place has a monorail that runs directly to the different parks. I got us all what are called park hopper passes so we can come and go from any of them as we please. I also set each of us up with Disney credit cards so that none of us have to figure out American muggle money. The cards are good at any restaurant or gift shop in any of the parks and at the hotel." Harry explained as he handed each of them a leather case. The cases had their muggle IDs, passports, some dollars, the credit card, a Gringotts card, and their park tickets and had a spot for their hotel key cards. There were park maps and attraction listings as well as times for different shows, character greeting sessions and menus for the different restaurants.

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