Chapter 7: Fraud at The Farm

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Author's note: The section about Quidditch camp was inspired by Loralee and her story Time to Live. I loved her idea and have been given her permission to use it. Make sure to check out her stories!

Harry received a letter from Ragnok the Saturday after his exams. It said he received a communication from the director of The Farm training camp. They were requesting extra funding and they also were once again asking for exclusive use of the Family House. Ragnok had explained that since no Potter had been there since his father was just out of Hogwarts the staff wanted to convert all the family space into additional staff quarters. They had already been allowed to convert the ground floor into a VIP lounge for star players who volunteered at the kids and amateur camps. They had converted the next two floors of the house into staff quarters and only the top floor remained sealed off as the private family suite. It seemed the staff had no way of accessing the space and had over the years forgotten that the house and the farm were not theirs.

Harry decided to visit the next week and sent Ragnok a request to sign him up for that week's general Quidditch camp. He had planned on attending the specialized Seeker camp the beginning of August but decided he would go early and meet the staff and find out if they really needed more funding.

He told Dudley he would be gone again until the next weekend. After making sure his trunk was fully packed he took his personal portkey to the Potter Family Farm. He smirked at the shocked look on the receptionists face when he arrived in what had once been the entrance hall to the farmhouse and was now a lobby.

"Let me see your invitation kid," she said with an annoyed sneer. "We do not have any children's programs beginning until Monday and there are no arrivals scheduled for the rest of the day."

"May I see your supervisor so I can explain how condescending you were to the owner of this house?" Harry asked with a glare. He didn't like being call a kid or a child and most definitely did not like her attitude. Of course instead of calling her supervisor she called security.

"How'd you get here kid this place is unplotable and only accessible by invitation portkey." The guard asked him suspiciously.

"Yes well if the rude receptionist had listened to me I told her I was the owner. Therefore I have unlimited access to the facility and a permanent portkey." Harry explained to the man whose eyes widened and he told the receptionist to get the director immediately. "Yes please," Harry said "I see I need to have several words with him about the hospitality of his staff."

The director arrived moments later and sneered at Harry before turning to the security guard. "What is the meaning of calling me down here? Can you not deal with a mere child by yourself?" The man reminded Harry way to much of Percy Weasley and he wondered who would ever have named him as the director.

"And here I was thinking I would be gladly welcomed as I came in person to hear your request for additional funding," Harry said already wishing he didn't have to deal with the man.

"Only Gringotts and the Regent have the power to grant that sonny," the man sneered. "Now I don't know who you are or how you got here but I better not hear about you trying to break in again."

"Yes well it is difficult to break into one's own home. And you are mistaken Gringotts no longer has the authority to grant you funds and there no longer is a Regent. Now tell me who appointed you director so I may speak with them before I have you fired." Harry said having lost all patience with the man who had not shown an iota of gratitude and was all attitude and arrogance.

"I was appointed by Albus Dumbledore who is the regent for the family who owns this land. I cannot be fired as I signed a lifetime contract of employment. Now tell me your name so I may have you arrested for trespassing." The jerk said pompously.

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