Chapter 13: More Seeker Camp

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Harry was looking forward to Wednesday the most out of the week as they would have the seeker face off before dinner and he could see how he compared to all the seekers there that week. He had his group catching class after breakfast before he headed over to the Charming Equipment class. He was excited about learning the charms that went on all Quidditch equipment. They learned the spells on all the balls as well as many spells that were placed on the pitch, uniforms and brooms. Harry had a great time and headed off to lunch in a great mood.

He was tired after his two hour class on Dives and Feints after lunch since it was lots of sprints and dodging. He enjoyed the class and learned some new maneuvers but was glad he had an hour of tactics before the seeker face-off so he could rest. He headed off to meet David and found him taking with Victor Krum.

"Hey Harry," David said with a smile. "I have to go get the seeker face-off set up so Victor here offered to host your personal tactics lesson. Have fun and I'll see you both in an hour."

"I would offer you a friendly match but I don't want to get too tired out before the face-off." Victor said with a smirk.

"You're competing in the face off too?" Harry asked thinking it was only for the campers.

"The second stage," Victor told him and explained that after they had the first round and determined the best of the camp seekers they would then join the staff and pro seekers in a second round to see who was the overall best seeker.

"How long has it been since a camper won the second stage?" Harry asked curiously.

"Since I was the camp champion after my 5th year. That was how I was recruited to play professionally." Victor told him and they started talking strategy and exchanging stories of how they tricked other seekers. "Good luck in the first round, I hope to be able to go up against you."

Harry just chuckled and went over to the changing area to get ready for the face-off. He decided against full robes as they limited his movement and just wore his "Crazy Seeker" t-shirt with his Quidditch pants. He got a few chuckles from those who read his shirt and hadn't seen him play before. He also noticed the looks of envy on the players' faces as he carried his Firebolt with him. It was still the best broom on the market and continued to be used by the international Quidditch franchises.

The first part of the face off had all of the camper seekers in the air at once. There were 35 amateur seekers and 25 of the campers from the seeker special session for a total of 60 seekers in the air. They would release 20 snitches and only those who caught one would move on. The next round they would release 50 snitches and the 20 remaining seekers had to try to catch 5 snitches. The ones to catch 5 would move on or the 10 seekers with the most catches. After the top 10 were determined a random draw would be determined for one-on-one seeker challenges. The winner of the head to head would then move on to the Second Stage for a total of 5 seekers moving on to compete against the staff and professional seekers.

Harry was the one of the first ones to catch a snitch in the first round and sat down next to Gina from Canada who landed at the same time as he with a snitch followed by Charlie. Each of the 20 was given a charmed pouch that they tied around their waist to hold the snitches they caught. Harry whooped as they released the 50 snitches and gleefully took off at top speed, not noticing the looks he was getting from the spectators. He laughed as he pulled both hands off his broom to catch a snitch in each hand. After stuffing his two snitches in the pouch he went into a power dive and skimmed the pitch picking off two more snitches that were fluttering only inches off the grass. He pulled up and shot off towards the goal posts as he noticed the rest of the seekers seemed to be concentrating on the middle of the pitch. He could have grabbed two more snitches but resisted as he only needed one more to move on. Placing the 5th snitch in the pouch he headed down to the benches.

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