Chapter 2: Gallivanting With Goblins

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The end of term finally came and they were off on the Express. Harry was in a foul mood as he had warded his trunk and Ron had tried 5 times to open it in the 3 days he was back and hadn't ever asked for something or mentioned it, which led Harry to believe he routinely looked through his things and enforced the idea that he was keeping tabs on Harry for Dumbledore.

Harry felt like strangling the Order after their threats to his uncle. It would have been a lot easier without their so called help. He waited until they had all gone before addressing his family. "Ok, I had nothing to do with that lot. I need to run some errands in my type of places here in London so I'll take a bus or taxi to your house. When I get there we will be discussing our living arrangements for the summer. Before you think to object to what I am saying you should know that I found out about the money they have been paying you and I can stop it easily. So you better cooperate. Now return home and I'll be along either later today or sometime tomorrow." Harry told them with a glare and then stomped off back to the platform to use the floo to get to Gringotts.

He stepped out of the floo and gave a polite nod to the security goblin as he headed to the Head Teller's desk. "I need to speak with a manager about my accounts as well as other personal matters."

Harry stated and waited with a smirk as the goblin turned to another and said in Gobbledygook, "Inform the lowest manager available that some stupid kid wizard wants to talk with a manager."

Harry plastered a scowl on his face and replied perfectly in the goblin language, "Watch who you call a stupid kid or you'll end up on the business side of my wand. Now tell your senior manager that I am here to see him or I will pull my families business from this institution." He then made sure to flick his hair out of his eyes and show off his scar plain as day to the now stunned goblins who both raced off toward the offices as if the hounds of hell were chasing them.

Minutes later he was led into Senior Director Ragnok's office, seated and served tea while he waited. He noticed the awards and accommodations the goblin had received displayed around the office and was impressed and looked forward to meeting a real goblin warrior. He stood from his chair and bowed to Ragnok when he entered and said in Gobbledygook, "Greetings honored elder; may our meeting prove profitable to both our families." Harry said now extremely glad he had decided to learn the goblin language first.

Ragnok was impressed by the young man as he had never been greeted properly by a wizard before, even those who understood the language. The two spent the next 3 hours going over Harry's vast holdings. Ragnok was livid that his fortune and title had been kept from him. He was granted the title Lord Potter immediately and told since he was already a Lord he would take over responsibility for the House of Black as well as he was Sirius' heir by magical adoption when he was a year old and was therefore a Black as well as a Potter. He was informed that the Black family regent was dead and the ministry had claimed the vacant seat and it was what Fudge was using. The Potter family regent was as he suspected and was Dumbledore but was kept secret and he used his 2nd vote in private so no-one was the wiser.

Harry was given complete asset listings and inventories of all his vaults as well as a listing of all properties and business interests and a list of all dates and amounts of withdrawals from any of his accounts since his parents' death and Sirius's imprisonment. A few of the companies he had strong holdings in caught his attention such as Coca-Cola, The Daily Prophet, Nimbus and General Motors. The thing he noticed the most though was the name of one of his properties called The Farm.

"Is this The Farm, the unplottable Quidditch training facility some place in the States?" Harry asked in awe if it was. The Farm was the place pro teams went for training and team building and was said to be the premier facility for Quidditch in the world!

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