6: Dancing

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After plenty of rest, warm ups for dancing began. The wrestling mats had been taken off of the basketball court for the dancing competition, to give us a more stable surface to dance on. Most people split up and spread out so they could practice their dances individually. Many people also changed into new athletic clothes, since they were getting pretty sweaty at this point. I pulled my phone out to practice the dance, and Jungkook joined me. We did have separate choreographies, but we danced at the same time anyway. We had fun practicing together, making jokes to lighten the stressed mood.

All too soon, the speakers called for the break to be over, and I trudged my way back to my spot in the bleachers.

During the freshman competition, I cheered Jungkook on. And watched him win, of course. So far, he had won all of the competitions, so now he was guaranteed to win, but they still had to have the freshmen competitions anyway.

The sophomores were boring to watch, for the most part. The winner of their grade did rather well, but they were the only one who did.

And it was time for the Juniors.

I'm pretty confident in my dancing, so I think this is the competition I'm least worried about. That doesn't mean I won't need to be careful, though. I might not be the only dancer competing. 

I kinda wish that they chose I different song for each grade, though. I've been listening to this song on repeat for the last hour watching people dance to the same song over and over. I think this experience may have ruined this song for me. I'll still work hard dancing to it, though.

Most of the other juniors actually weren't that bad. I think I'm better, but they aren't bad.

The announcer called Yoongi out, and he caught my interest. So far, he was the only other junior with a point towards winning, so naturally I want to see how he will do. He had changed into small runner shorts and an athletic t-shirt. He walked up to the basketball court as the speakers started to play the song for the millionth time today.

He slowly sauntered to the side, gracefully moving his arms to the music. But as the song's wind up began, his moves became more and more sharp and concise. He was actually probably the best junior so far. I can tell he isn't a dancer, but it looks like he might have some background in b-boying or something to that effect. As if he tried to teach himself. Great, but unable to be perfected without the guidance of someone else.

As the beat dropped, so did he. 

I gasped along with the rest of the crowd as he shamelessly pulled off that feminine move perfectly. The way his shorts tightened around his butt made me do a double take. I didn't know he had such a perfect round booty! And the lack of length that all running shorts have didn't help at all. I actually caught myself leaning forward. He bounced once before standing back up and turning into another rather impressively concise pose move, and then he did a few body rolls. 

His performance ended sooner than I would have liked, but it made me realize I would actually have to put a lot of effort into my own performance. He had a few trip ups here and there, but if I didn't do my best, then he might actually win.

A few more people went, but they weren't anything to be concerned about. Finally, I was called down.

Yoongi's POV:

I feel like my performance went really well, especially after seeing how horribly everyone else was doing. But as soon as they called out for 'Jung Hoseok' I remembered who he was. The boy who won wrestling. The boy who took dance classes throughout middle school and high school.

Even doing my best, it might turn out to be all for nothing anyway. My only real hope is that I could win both of the next two rounds, because I don't have much hope for this one.

I watch as Hoseok walks up to the basketball court in a simple shirt and joggers, somehow managing to look way better than everyone else, instead of looking like a bum like I would in that outfit. Maybe, he could fall while dancing and I could win. He's got to have some kind of flaw somewhere.

Yet the music starts, and he's flawless before he even starts moving. How could I ever compete with someone like him?

His movements are the perfect mix of sharp and smooth, sometimes using short and powerful movements, and sometimes using longer movements that flow together. It's mesmerizing. So perfect. It's obvious that he's a dancer.

I never even stood a chance. I'm pathetic, aren't I? He's perfect, and I'm nothing like him. He's always happy, athletic, academic... the type of son that parents could really be proud of. I'm nothing but a disappointment.

It's bittersweet for me when his performance ends because it was amazing to watch, but now I have to watch myself lose. Yay.

Hoseok was the last dancer this round, and almost immediately, the announcer started speaking. "Ladies and gents, there were some amazing dancers this round! It is my pleasure to announce the winner of the sophomore boys dance competition. Congratulations to... Jung Hoseok!"

The crowd all cheered for him, but I felt a part of my hope crumble. How am I supposed to win against him? All I wanted was to make my parents proud for once. But how do I do that? I can't believe I let myself want something.

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