How Do Ya Do?

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A pale hand flew across Mei's face. Tears streamed from her bruised eyes. She wimpered helplessly. She looked up and squinted in the light.
"Why, why are you doing this?" She asked.
"I need to know why there are Overwatch agents operating in Russia."
"Just let me kill her Akande. She won't talk." Reaper said.
Mei quivered in fear. Her tears hit the floor below her. Mei's arms grew weak from struggling. She groaned in pain.
"Please, just let me go!"
Doomfist sighed and waved his hand. Reaper held his hand out and clenched his gun.
"Wait. Do you hear that?"
Doomfist looked all around him. The two men heard a slight fizzing noise. All of a sudden the door breaks open and gets thrown to the other end of the room. Doomfist clears the smoke from his face and looks up in shock to see Junkrat standing in the doorway with a grenade launcher and a trigger in his hands. His ash blonde eybrows pointed down in rage. Junkrat clenched his teeth and fired a grenade at the two men. They fly into the far wall and land on the ground exclaiming and coughing in pain. Reaper and Doomfist grunt and look up.
"What the hell was that?!"
Junkrat stared down mischievously.
"I call it a fine how do ya do!" Junkrat exclaimed. He ran to mei who was still tied and lying helpless on the ground. Junkrat untied her. She coughed hard into her hands and stared up at him in awe.
"You alright shorty?"
She wiped tears from her face and nodded. Junkrat helped her off the floor and walked her out. He could feel Mei shaking in his arms. He growled a nit under his breath staring back at the two Talon agents. They both got outside. Mei looked around confused.
"Jamison? Where is the ship?"
Junkrat smiled and scratched the back of his head.
"Oh yeah about that. I kinda had to walk out here."
"Yeah, nothin I haven't done before."
"Heh, it's alright. I suppose we could steal one of the Talon ships."
"Great idea sugar pea!" Junkrat said giving Mei a thumbs up.
They found a ship and Mei began flipping switches. She winced in pain and grabbed her arm.
"Hey, you sure you're ok to drive?" Junkrat asked.
"Of course. I'll be fine."
She sat in the drivers seat and flew back to their hotel. Mei landed the ship and powered it off. She rubbed her eyes and yawned a bit. Junkrat smirked and picked her up. Mei gasped, her face glowing pink.
"What are you doing?!"
"Ya seem tired. Lemme put ya to bed sleepy head."
She grinned and leaned her head into Junkrat's chest. Mei slowly began to fall asleep in his arms. They got to their hotel and Junkrat put Mei to bed. She rolled to the other side. Junkrat pulled up a chair next to her and studied the marks on her face. It was heavily bruised. Their were a few cuts as well. He stared solemnly and lifted her chin. Junkrat came back with a towel, bowl of water, and tea. He dipped the towel in the water and gently blotted Mei's face. She sipped her tea and occasionally winced in pain. Junkrat was focused as he blotted her face making sure he was nursing every area of her face religiously.
"Shhh. Get some rest."
"Junkrat please. Will you stay with me tonight?"
Junkrat stared at her shocked. He paused. Mei's shaky hand grabbed Junkrats. She felt the movong parts in his mechanical arm. He seemed nervous at first. He sighed and nodded.
"Of course sugar bean."
Junkrat finished nursing Mei's face and hopped on the other side of the bed. They both tried to fall asleep, but Mei was so paranoid that she made the whole bed shake. Junkrat layed his hand on her arm and she stopped shaking. Her body was relaxed and she fell asleep beside him.

🏮Sorry for the short chapter and sorry I haven't been keeping up. I'm not dead! Promise! I've just been crazy busy! I'm going to a convention in two days and it's been tight doing homework on top of ConCrunch. Anyways, hope you enjoy!~Maddy🏮

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