Hot Chocolate

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"So where to, shorty?"
"I...we have a mission in Russia. It's an undercover mission that will last at least a week in order to get enough information. So we will be staying at a hotel for some time."
"Russia? Innit cold out there?"
"Yes. If you have anything you wanted to take up there you can. We'll leave in 10 minutes." Mei said.
Junkrat looked solemnly at the floor. His expression was completely changed. Mei looked over and noticed his sad expression.
"Oh, you-you don't have anything. Do you?"
His sad eyes stared up at her. He shook his head a bit. Mei gasped. She didn't know what to say. She scratched the back of her head.
"Well, maybe we will have time for some shopping. Let me get my bags and we'll head out."
Mei loaded the ship and Junkrat came aboard looking at the technology on the ship.
"I could use some of this stuff to make my bombs."
"Don't even think about it Jamison."

They arrived. Mei opened the door to the hotel room. There was a king bed on the back wall. A small sitting space with a couch. A kitchenette and a bathroom. Mei and Junkrat stepped inside. They both looked from the bed to the couch and back to the bed.
"Well, I call the couch!" Junkrat said leaning into the couch. Mei walked over and looked at him with a guilty expression.
"No Jamison. You should take the bed."
"Nah, I'll take the couch. Besides this place is probably the nicest place I've ever slept in."
"Take the bed. I insist."
Junkrat leaned farther into the couch and chuckled.
"Trust me shorty I've slept in worse places. You gotta take the bed, alright?"
Mei stared at the floor sadly.
"Alright, fine."

Mei took her coat and went out onto the balcony of their room and watched the sun slowly set behind the mountains. The air was frigid, but she didn't mind. Mei filled one of the chairs that sat out on the patio. All of a sudden the door to the patio opened behind her. Junkrat shivered through the cold air.
"You should come inside, y'know. It's too cold for you to be sittin out here."
Mei turned in her seat and smiled at Junkrat.
"I don't mind the cold. I did live in Antarctica for 9 years."
Junkrat gasped in shock. This news pulled him out of the door way to sit on the patio next to Mei.
"9 years?!"
"Well, yes. If you want to count my cryostasis time."
Junkrat stared curiously.
"Cryo-what-now?" He asked.
Mei looked at him wondering why he was so curious about this.
"I was put to sleep for 9 years. It wasn't supposed to be for that long, but I was the only one on my team that survived."
Junkrat's eyes grew wide. He swallowed hard.
"Lemme ask ya somethin shorty. Why are ya tellin me this?" He asked.
"Well, you asked me didn't you?"
"I didn't think ya trusted me enough to actually answer."
"Hm." She pondered in thought and looked across at the susnet. "I guess that is just how it is when you join Overwatch. That is the only way we survive. We have trust in eachother."
Junkrat's shocked expression faded to a smile. The sun dipped behind the mountains and the world around them suddenly grew cold, and dark. Junkrat shivered again and rubbed his exposed arms for warmth.
"Ok we should really be gettin inside now. It's freezing!"
Mei giggled a bit and followed Junkrat inside. She shut the door behind her.
"I take it you aren't used to cold weather."
"Nah, it's never cold where I'm from. I've never even sees snow before."
Mei stared at him in shock.
He nodded.
"Seein it now, it's freezing!"
"Sometimes, but it's aMeising! There's snow ball fights, snow angels, and hot cocoa!"
Junkrat tilted his head, confused.
"Have you ever had hot cocoa?"
Jamison shook his head. Mei cheerfully rushed to the kitchenette.
"I'll make some then. It's delicious!"
Junkrat stared curiously.
"Heh, don't think I've even had chocolate before."
"Then you must try it! My treat."
Mei prepaired the hot chocolate and poured it into two mugs. She handed one to Junkrat. He watched the steam rise from the mug. Mei took a seat and blew on her drink. She took a small sip and sighed in relief. Junkrat began to take a sip, but gasped when the hot liquid touched his lips.
"It's hot!"
Mei giggled.
"That's where it gets it's name. Hot chocolate."
He sipped again and hummed in delighed.
"That's pretty good!" He exclaimed.
"That's good! I'm glad you like it."
Junkrat took larger sips of the drink and finished it.
"Hey shorty, I gotta ask ya somethin."
Mei looked up from her mug.
"What is it?"
Junkrat scratched the back of his head.
"Why you bein so nice to me?"
Mei looked down. She traced the rim of her mug with her finger.
"Well, at first I'll admit I was a bit skeptical then I relized everyone deserves a second chance. I mean I heard that's what happened when McCree joined Overwatch."
Junkrat chuckled.
"I've used all my second chances, sweat pea."
Mei's gaze turned solemn. She looked down trying not to be rude.
"But no worries. Gettin kinda late eh? Think I'll call it a night."
Mei nodded.
"Good night."
Junkrat layed sprawled across the couch and fell asleep. Mei sighed, cleaned the mugs and went to bed.

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