Handle Thing

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So, while I was pouring my kool-aid, because everytime I write one of these I drink the tears of jesus. It was one of those hawiian punch shit and I realized, "This handle thing. This little piece of blue plastic can hold up this heavy thing of juice. This thing is a piece of art." 

I have qouted mean girls three times today. THREE.

Has anyone noticed that the cinnamon toast crunch comercials promote cannibalism. 

But let's take a step back and see who is saying this. 

Me. The girl who wrote a book called "Life as a cannible" It's on my other account, and it's completed. 

But back to the cinnamon toast crunch, the little cereal pieces always harms another of their "species" and eat them. Like what the fuck.

Did you know that they took Gullible out of the dictionary? 

Well, they didn't. 

When did they start calling the pound sign a hashtag? 

I googled it. I would've binged it if Bing wasn't so awful. Like if they were so great they wouldn't have a comercial for them. But anyway, in Britain or Europe or something they call it a hash sign and then the tag comes from the word after. 

#(Hash)+5SOSsaucetasteslike (Tag a.k.a the number one trend in the US) = Hashtag. 

I have nothing left to say. But if you have a question google it, don't bing it. Bing is for idiots.

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