Chapter 1: The Trap

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Far underground in the old abandoned workshop of Joey Drew Studios many things were lurking below, the fallen angel capturing and killing any creature that looked perfect to make herself beautiful once again, meny butcher gang members wandering aimlessly around the studio, searchers sprawled across the floor waiting to arise from the ground and kill but one stood out the most and everything never got in his way, always kept their distance for it followed their one most important rule.

'Beware the Ink Demon'

But a small group was also hidden within the old studio they were trying o find a way to escape and evade the demon as much as they could or they would be at a risk of death, the three of them that were left of the studio's actual cartoon characters Bendy, Alice Angel and Boris the Wolf.

They had been down hidden ever since the ink monsters had risen from the ink machine a few years after the studio was abandoned and their evil versions were created but the ink demon was the scariest of them all for He was a demon like the little devil but without his cheerful and positive attitude, none of them know what the ink demon would be capable of doing to them and every time they heard him they hid.

Bendy was gathering some supplies as he and his friends were trying to escape the hell they were in, he grabbed meny Bacon Soup cans, wooden planks and buckets of ink, the little devil was hard at work trying to get everything he collected together before he heard something he stopped to listen he heard a faint heart beat as he looked towards a hallway and saw Ink slowly coming towards him the ink demon was close.

Bendy cursed under his breath before dropping everything and ran towards a little miracle station getting inside and watching as the ink demon walked into the room and walked right to were bendy was collecting things before stopping like he was looking at it.

Bendy watched the demon he was slightly confused he kept quite as the ink demon slowly moved away going right passed the station Bendy was in, the little devil continued to watch looking at the demon's he made a confused look on his face as he could of sworn he saw the already big grin on the Demon's face get bigger as he walked by and before long the inky veins disappeared and the heartbeat stopped.

Bendy waited a little before he opened the door of the station looking around before moving back to the stuff he collected he sighed as he saw Ink was splattered all over it now. "Blasted Ink Demon." He thought out loud.

He knelt down to the stuff when suddenly before Bendy was even able to react, the heartbeat came back veins were everywhere and the little devil was grabbed and thrown into a nearby wall, he groaned as tried to get but he was then grabbed and slammed against the wall, Bendy hissed in pain as he looked to see the ink demon who was pinning him to the wall firmly, Bendy closed his eyes as he struggled to get out of his grasp and as he did the ink demon began to laugh before jamming his claws into the little devil's arms.

Bendy cried out in pain before finally managing to get one arm free and jabbing the ink demon's arm making him let go and he growl loudly.

Bendy didn't hesitate he ran for it leaving everything he had collected behind to try and escape with his life, many other things were going through his mind as well, was that what the bigger grin he saw was about? Did he know Bendy was in the station? More questions were in his mind but he didn't have the time to answer as he continued to run from the ink demon who was chasing close behind him.

The little devil was holding his arm the one that the ink demon caused pain to course through his body just what was he trying to do to Bendy?

Bendy continued to run he tried to turn a corner to evade the demon but all of a sudden the ink demon disappeared from behind Bendy looked back and stopped for a breather before he was grabbed once again as the demon came out of the wall in front of him and his time he had a better grip on Bendy and immediately jabbed his claws back into the little devil Bendy cried out in pain and tears fell from his eyes he was going to die... by the hands of the ink demon.

Bendy heard another laugh come from the ink demon looking towards him for a moment before closing his eyes and waited for his demise, but it never came the demon just continued to laugh at him losing his grip slightly on Bendy which confused him the little devil opened his eyes again only to see the face of the demon really close to his.

"Nice try to escape me this time, Bendy." He suddenly spoke

Bendy froze for a second the demon actually talked he didn't know how to react to it and the demon knew he was in shock.

"Never expected me to actually speak, Bendy?" The ink demon asked his grin getting bigger. "You learn something new then today."

Bendy was still staring in shock but he was finally able to respond to him. "W-what do you want?"

The ink demon laughed again and also gripped him tightly. "I want the same as you and your friends... to get out of here."

Bendy groaned and his time he glared at the demon. "That will never happen!"

"Oh it will... and then I can kill everyone that abandoned us then the world!"

"You will not leave this place!"

"Oh yes I will... it is you that will not!"

Before anything else was said the ink demon grabbed Bendy's head and jammed his claws into his head and arm, Bendy screamed out in pain he felt himself slipping away from the world he looked at the demon again.

"Have fun with your new life." the demon said.

The last thing Bendy saw was the ink demon's grin before passing out completely.

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