Unspoken // Yandere! Tomura x Reader.

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 You knew your place.

After being with Tomura for so, so long (had it been a year? Or two? You didn't know...he didn't let you know), you knew exactly what was expected of you.

Smile for him, even when he was doing the worst things to you. You could be broken and bloodied at his feet but...you always had to remember to smile.

Kiss him, even when he was threatening to kill you. Ignore the terror pumping through your veins, pretend like everything is perfect and kiss him sweetly.

Touch him (and let him touch you), please him (if he was happy then you were safe), and...love him. Did you love him now? Had your twisted captor somehow win your heart? Or did you just get used to pretending like you did? Did you now believe your own pretty little lie? You didn't know. You didn't know.

Tomura kept you far too busy to allow you to think too deeply about things (was that on purpose?) like that.

Every second of your every day was spent trying desperately to please him. Following his rules, fulfilling every little order and demand, constantly trying to keep from making a dreaded mistake. Don't be stubborn, don't be slow, try to smile, and whatever you do...don't let it be a mistake.

You tried. You really did try.

But mistakes were occasionally made in life, something that everyone knew...Tomura wasn't everyone though. He was unlike anyone you had ever met.

Cruel and cold. Smiling even when he was hurting you, laughing as you screamed and cried, kissing you as he tormented you.

He was evil. A monster. A nightmare.

And right now, you wanted desperately to scream.

Tomura was leering over you, his red eyes gleaming brightly as he looked down upon your frightened face. The too wide smile he wore clashed against your own expression: scared. Tears streamed down your cheeks, your eyes locked into his own. You had no other choice then to look at Tomura, even when you were shaking in terror.

But it wasn't his eyes that terrified you.

It wasn't his wide, twisted smile.

It was his hand.

His cold, cold hands...they were terrible. Images of the things he'd done with them flashed through your mind, screaming faces turning to dust right before you. He made you watch...he made you watch...and now they were all you could see. All you could think about.

Especially with his hand wrapped around your neck.

His grip was tight but not terribly so, just enough to make it a little harder to breathe. Four fingers pressed deeply into your neck, squeezing and choking as the fifth hovered carefully in the air. It was a terrible threat, an unspoken one.

Tomura didn't need to speak a single word. His voice rang in your mind loud and clear, over and over and over again.

"Be a good girl for me."

"Kiss me."

"I wouldn't have to hurt you."

"Tell me you love me."


"Scream for me."

"Maybe I would..."

"Tell me!!"

You shivered and gasped, staring up into Tomura's blood red eyes.

"I'm sorry," you whispered, "I'm so sorry. I'll try harder! I'll do better!"

He laughed, the raspy sound echoing softly in your ear. His smile only seemed to grow wider and more twisted as he looked at you.

"You're sorry? You'll do better?" He whispered.

Tomura leaned even closer towards you, his lips brushing against your ear ever so softly. You willed yourself not to scream or shake too much or flinch in his touch. Be good. Be good, be good, be good, be good...

"Is that a promise?" Tomura rasped.

His chapped lips pressed to the little patch of skin just below your ear in a quick, cold kiss.

"Y-yes!" You said. "Yes, I promise you, Tomura!"

Did you believe you? Did he forgive you? Would he let you go now? You could only hope and pray...Tomura pulled back, looking at you once more. What was he thinking? What did he want? What would he do? The grip around your neck tightened ever so slightly and you gasped, heart thumping in terror.

His grip was painful. There would be a bruise. But you were much more concerned about that one finger, still hovering in the air...

"Kiss me." Tomura demanded.

You did. You had no choice.

Pressing your lips to Tomura's, you kissed him with every bit of passion and affection that you could muster. It was a deep, slow, loving kiss...and it seemed to work. The hand around your neck loosened its grip slowly before finally leaving your neck entirely. You could breathe. You could think. But you couldn't stop kissing, not yet.

You kissed the villain until he finally pulled away. Tomura was grinning wickedly, pressing his cracked lips to your cheek quickly before saying,

"There's a good girl."

It was over...at least for now.

In truth, it would never be over. Tomura would always be watching, waiting for you to make a mistake, waiting to punish you. How he loved to punish you! Tomura simply adored beating you and breaking you, choking you, wrapping his hand around your neck as you screamed in terror...

He loved it your torture...so it would never end. You knew that.

All you could do what try to please him and love him and make him happy. Your very survival depended on it.

With this in mind, you took your place at Tomura's side. You didn't bother wiping away your tears (he liked seeing you cry) or hiding the bruise now blooming around your neck (hiding his "love marks" only made him angry).

You just sat quietly as Tomura returned to his game.

For am moment, things were quiet. The calm after the storm. Tomura, however, was watching you. He was always, always watching you...so you played your part perfectly as sat there calmly, waiting for his next order or outburst.

"Isn't it better this way?" He said suddenly, glancing at you from the corner of his eye.

His voice had an edge, en expectation hiding beneath his almost casual words. His red eyes gleamed again. And your heart stopped beating for a second, a shiver of fear coming over you as you quickly replied.

"Yes, Tomura. I'm sorry I upset you, honey."

"It's okay," he replied, "you can make it up to me later."

That edge. That tone. That unspoken threat. It made a tear slip down your cheek as you nodded quickly, promising that you would. You didn't know what Tomura wanted...but you knew that you'd do it. A glance towards his hands told you that.

The faces. The screams. Skin and bone and muscle turned to dust...fear bubbled in your belly and you shakily whispered.

"Yes, Tomura."

Yandere x Reader // My Hero AcademiaWhere stories live. Discover now