Terrified // Yandere Reactions.

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 How would yandere Dabi, Tomura, Stain, and Kurogiri react to their darling being terrified of them, to the point where she panics whenever they come close?

Dabi is trying to remain calm about this but, well, he's getting annoyed. After all, he didn't kidnap you just to watch you scream and cry (even if the more sadistic side of him kind of likes it). He took you to have fun with you and, well, you're kind of making that impossible right now.


He's glaring at you, fiery eyes locked onto your cowering body. You've been like this for what he thinks is too long...and Dabi is just done. He starts to feel hot, bright blue flames flickering to life between his long fingers.

"You wanna cry?" He snaps, storming towards you. "I give you something to cry about."

Dabi's reaction is complicated, to say the least. But that's because he's a complicated yandere. A darker side of him loves to torment you (and to burn you. It's his thing) but...he still wants you to love him. You're crying and screaming is a bother but it's one he'll take care of easily. Dabi is going to do whatever it takes to make you love him.

Tomura is thrilled! He LOVES to see you like this, panicking and crying. After all, to Tomura, it doesn't matter if you fear him, love him, or hate him. You still belong to him either way...and besides, fear is an easy way to control you.

"Why are you crying, Y/N?"

He knows exactly why.

Just about anyone would cry if they had Tomura on top of them, four fingers wrapped around their neck and one just barely hovering in the air. He wasn't squeezing but, much like with his hands, the threat was there. You sobbed pitifully, your body shaking beneath his as Tomura smiled.

"Are you afraid? Do you need a kiss?" His voice was thick with excitement and malice, his wide grin growing as you cried.

Leaning low, Tomura forced his dry lips onto yours in a harsh, cold kiss. To you, it was simply more torment. But to him...it was LOVE.

Tomura's reaction? He doesn't really react because he doesn't care. He's too busy enjoying your terror to really do anything. There will be a day in your relationship when he's able to wrap his hand around your neck and you behave wonderfully (he'll be so proud) but as for today...he's going to enjoy every tear.

Stain understands it. He did kidnap you and, well, his reputation proceeds him. You're scared of him and Chizome gets it. He tries to see it your way and attempts to think about the best plan of action in order to calm you.

He thinks that talking to you will work the best.

Creeping closer, Stain tries his best to look...less terrifying. He crouches on the floor, only a few feet away from your shivering body. Your eyes are wide with fear as you stare at your captor, wondering just what he is going to do to you. Images of his shining blade and streams of blood flash through your mind, you're expecting the worst.

You're not expecting him to speak so softly.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I know that you might not believe that but it's true. I wouldn't have saved you just to hurt you, Y/N."

"Save me...? From what?"

It's the first thing you've ever said to him without screaming and sobbing wildly and Stain can't help but smile. You have such a sweet voice...he's happy to be the only one to be able to hear it now.

"From...everything. From this world and the people in it. Trust me, Y/N, you'll be much happier with me. You'll see that soon enough."

Stain's reaction with be a patient one. He'll wait as long as he needs to until you can trust him. He's the kind of yandere that will be able to pull you into his world, make you see things his way. Chizome knows that you'll understand soon...

Kurogiri is the most calm about the whole thing. Like Stain, he looks at the situation through your point of view: you've just been kidnapped by a total stranger, you have no idea where you are, and you're scared.

So of course you're freaking out.

Kurogiri will also take a moment to assess the situation and consider his coarse of action. Unlike Stain, however, Kurogiri won't try to talk you down. He'll take the good old "actions speak louder the words" approach. First, he'll make your room a bit more personal. Sure, he provided everything you needed but a more personal touch might make you feel more at home. So he'll go out and get a few things (he knows what you like after watching you for so long).


It's late when he gets back and you're pretending to be asleep. But Kurogiri can hear your breath becoming quicker, fearful gasps escaping from your lips.

"I've brought to something. Good night, darling."

He can hear you sobbing as he walks away, wondering if you'll like his gift, which he placed by your bedside. Perhaps, he thinks, tomorrow will be a better day. And if it's not, then he'll just have to try again.

That's the way he's going to react: determined and patient. Kurogiri can already see you perfect future, he just has to get there. So he'll try his best to lead you to it gently and slowly, trying to sweetly work his way into your heart. He's an old school kind of guy, Kurogiri wants to romance you and make you his sweet little darling. And if he has to wait for this dream to come true...then he'll wait. Even having you close is enough to please him.  

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