Pretty Little Plaything // Yandere! Muscular x Reader.

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 "These violent delights..."

There were a lot of things that Muscular wanted in life.

A good, violent fight, more blood on his hands and horrible screaming in his ears. Such simple, gory delights excited him more then anything else! He loved nothing more then finding a worthy opponent and breaking them. The sight of their bodies laying at his feet; empty, open eyes and the taste of their blood on his lips...

It was exciting!


And he was vicious, a pure monster who was out looking for more, more, more. More blood splattered on his skin, more brutality and violence and terror!!

But even the most vicious and sadistic of monsters might have another want.

Another need, another wish, another hunger begging to be satisfied. And how Muscular hungered for her! It only took one moment to know that she belonged to him. The villain had burst into her little village, breaking the peace and quiet with his wicked, mocking laughter. And then it came, his favorite part:

The screaming. The terror.

The spilling of blood as he violently ripped apart his latest victims, oh, it was glorious! Bodies littered the ground and he laughed loudly and mocked the little creatures before him.

"Show me! Show me your blood!" He screamed.

He wanted to see it, taste it, he wanted it!! Death and destruction were all he cared about as he made his way through the town, a river of blood flowing wildly behind him. He was thrilled at the sight before...and then he saw her. He didn't know who she was. He didn't know why she was here. And, quite honestly, he really didn't care.

Who she was wasn't important.

What she was was simply more interesting to him.

A darling. He knew it the moment he locked eyes with her. She was a true darling, a weak little being waiting to be swept up by something stronger and darker. Waiting to be used. Beaten. Abused. Broken.

She was pretty (but wouldn't she look even prettier broken and bloody and begging for him?).

She was perfect (she was exactly what he'd been dreaming about for so long, a pretty little dream come to life!).

And she was his.

A twisted smile grew upon his face and a look of pure terror came upon hers. Muscular laughed once again when she turned and ran, trying desperately to escape the monster that stood before her. How awfully cute! How terribly worthless! Didn't the pathetic little darling know better then to try to run from him?

Probably not. But Muscular would soon teach her where she belongs, what he expects of her. And besides...

He liked a good chase.

The villain bolted after her quickly, feet pounding in the blood soaked dirt. He couldn't help but to tease her just a little, enjoying the thrill of the chase, the taste of blood in his mouth and feeling terror in the air.

Sometimes he backed off a little, letting her get a little away from him. Did she think she would ever reach freedom? Did a little bit of hope blossom in her heart, thinking that she just might escape him?

Well, that hope quickly died when Muscular chased her harder, shouting as he did.

"Why are you running from me?!"

"Why are you so scared?!"

"I only want to play!!"

He did want to play with her. And he couldn't help but grin madly as little games flashed through his mind. Muscular had so many wonderful, terrible ideas! He was going to break his darling, both her body and her mind, until she was nothing. Nothing else but his darling. The torment she would suffer would be unlike any other, the torture would be never ending.

Oh, how excited he was! How delighted he felt!

Muscular could almost taste her blood on his tongue. It would be delicious, he thought, thick and warm and so, so sweet. Her screams would be like music to his ears and her pathetic pleas for mercy would be just as pretty...even if they would go ignored.

Because there would be no mercy.

No, no, she didn't deserve mercy. A darling only deserved what their owner gave them and Muscular would give his darling nothing but pain and terror. To him, it was a beautiful gift, exactly what something like her deserved! But to her, it would be terrible, horrible, a living nightmare that had no escape...and he couldn't wait for the nightmare to begin!

Muscular ended the chase.

Perhaps he would play this game again but, for now, it was over. He grabbed her quickly and violently, a harsh hand wrapping around the pretty thing and squeezing as he pulled her into his arms. He laughed as she screamed and struggled in his grip, already enjoying his brand new toy. As she screamed, the fear in her voice was obvious.

Did she think he was going to kill her?

Just how scared was she?

Muscular could almost hear her heart beating with terror! The thought made him think of the blood her pretty little heart pumped and he couldn't help himself. His teeth sank painfully into her soft neck, deep enough and hard enough to draw blood and, finally, he could taste her!

Oh, how she screamed and sobbed and shivered in his arms!

He grinned as his tongue ran along her neck, licking up the sweet blood that flowed from it. She was just as delectable as he had thought...

"Stop...please stop...!"

Muscular ignored her weak cries, lapping up the last of drops the blood before throwing his darling over his huge shoulder as he stalked away from the now destroyed town. Dead bodies lay broken in the streets, blood splattered and spilled all over the once pretty little town. He smiled to himself wickedly, knowing it was the last thing she would ever see of her home as he stole her away.

Did it break her heart? Shock her? Scare her?

Well, it wouldn't be the worst thing to happen to her. Far from it actually! The things that Muscular had planned for his new little plaything were far, far worse then anything he had left scattered on the streets.

They had been given mercy.

She would suffer endlessly.

Her sobs only grew louder as they disappeared into the darkness, leaving everything behind them. He wondered if someone would come looking for her, his heart jumping as he imagined the wanna be hero...fighting them...killing them...making her watch as he ripped them apart...making her taste her "savior's" blood...

Oh, it would all be so wonderful!

He'd wanted his own darling for so long and, now that he finally had her, the fun could truly begin. A twisted smile grew on his face, flashes of torture and blood flashing through the villain's mind.

It was going to be beautiful. Bloody.

She was going to be broken down and, even better, she was going to be his. The pretty little plaything slung over his shoulder was going to bring Muscular nothing but absolute excitement! And he would bring her nothing but pain.

His own dream had come true...and her nightmare had only just begun.

"...have violent ends."

Yandere x Reader // My Hero AcademiaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora