Chapter Thirty Three

Start from the beginning

"HOW DARE YOU! HOW DARE YOU LAY A SINGLE FINGER ON MY SON! I SHOULD CUT OFF YOUR FINGERS ONE BY FUCKING ONE! I WILL KILL YOU! DO YOU HEAR ME?!" My claws were out at this point, digging deeper and deeper into the side of his neck and I continued to squeeze. Sara's sobs filled the room and she rocked her daughter back and forth, clutching her to her chest tightly. I knew she could feel his pain, and for that I was sorry. A large warm hand rested on my shoulder, from the shooting sparks I knew it was Dom.

'Love.. calm down.' He sent calming emotions to me through our bond. My anger cooled down to a low simmer instead of a raging boil, my breathing evened out and I slowly released the grip I had around Al's throat. He gasped, sucking in deep ragged breaths as the air returned to his lungs.

'I'm okay.. I'm in control now.' He moved back, allowing me to continue.

"I will not make it quick, I will watch you suffer, keeping you alive for days on end, slowly rotting away and begging for death long before it actually comes. Unless.." As I spoke I turned my gaze onto Sara and Leaha.

"Maybe I should return the favor, let you experience what it's like to not know where your child is, to not know what is happening to them. To not know if they are hurt, dying or dead." My voice was cold, ice cold and low. Sara's eyes went wide her sobs growing louder as she shook her head frantically. Now would I actually do this? No.. I would not do that to her or her child, but that fear.. that fear I see in Al's eyes. That's what I wanted. He no longer only feared for himself. He feared for his family, for his daughter.

"NO! You can't do that! Please Luna! Please! They have nothing to do with this! Please, they are innocent." I snarled into his face.

"So was my son! He is a six year old boy! Just a little boy!" I roared as I threw my arms up into the air. It was silent for a moment, apart for the soft sobs escaping Sara's lips as she rocked her baby back and forth.

"Please! I'll tell you everything I know. I'll tell you who set it up, who ordered it, who's behind it all. The kidnapping of your son, your assassination, the rogue attacks and who's leading them. I'll tell you everything." All eyes were on him, silence filled the room as if we were all on pause.

"The man who leads the rouges, the one who is like their Alpha. He's behind all of this, everything. I was told that your son would no be hurt, he was only supposed to be used as a tool to get you. Once we got him out of the Red Dawn territory we were supposed to bring him to the leader. He was going to use him as ransom, get you to come to him alone." He paused, taking a deep breath then continued.

"The plan was to use you as bait for Alpha Conan. They knew if they could anger him enough, he would call on all his alliances and wage war against the rouges. That was their plan, once the pack lands were left with smaller numbers the rouges would attack them. Many of their numbers are scattered around the outskirts of different pack lands. That group you found in the mountains, that was only one of them. They have so many more.. so many more. This plan has been in action for three years now. They plan to take out the remaining pack members and over take the territory's while leading you on a wild goose chase, while leading the other Alpha's and all their forces into a death trap.

It's deep in the mountains, between two smooth and steep peaks. It dead ends at the other end and once you are in, they will seal it closed, pour gasoline down from the peaks and set you all ablaze." I stood ramrod straight as he told us of their plans, my mind planning devilish tricks on me, showing me hundreds of wolves burning alive, their screams and howls echoed into the air. A chill ran down my spin, it all seemed much to real and I had to shake myself free of the images running through my mind.

"What are their numbers?" Zane asked, his voice sounding right next to me causing me to jump slightly from his close proximity. He had left his spot on the couch sometime during Al's explanation. I hadn't even noticed his presence next to me.

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