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"Welcome back to the Grand Magic Games! I'm your host, Chapati Lola, and today, I'm joined by Yajima, former member of the Magic Council and Jason, a reporter for Sorcerer Weekly!" Chapati announced. "This is so COOL!" Jason yelled into the microphone excitedly.

"As usual, we will begin today's Grand Magic Games with an event!" Chapati continued. "I wonder what kind of event we'll be facing today," Lucy muttered as she stared at the Lacrima vision, waiting for the name of the event to be announced.

"The title of today's event is Chariot!" Chapati stated, the word appearing in bold on the screen. "Chariot...?" Wendy gasped as she quickly covered her mouth with her hands, already feeling like she was about to hurl. "Well, thank goodness you went yesterday," Chelia smiled. "Chariot... I'm quite good at driving..." Michelle said hesitantly. "Do you know how to drive, Chelia?" Lucy asked. "I don't think it matters! This is a magic tournament, they're not gonna have us drive chariots!" Chelia said. "It's my time to shine!" She exclaimed as she stepped forward.

"And the first contestant to step forward is Chelia Blendy of Lamia Scale!" Chapati announced. "First, little Wendy, and now little Chelly Welly? Lamia Scale is just full of adorable little girls!" He cooed.

"From Blue Pegasus, it's Ichiya Vandalay Kotobuki!"

Lucy and Wendy shuddered almost automatically upon catching sight of his face that was displayed on the Lacrima vision for all the world to see.

"From Quatro Cerberus, it's Bacchus Groh!"

"Hmm? I don't remember him being on the team yesterday," Michelle said, confused. "I think he's a reserve member. That poor guy must still be recovering from yesterday's battle," Lucy responded.

"Risley Law of Mermaid Heel joins the round!"

"Since I'm the one who usually drives, can I give this a try?" Gwyn asked his teammates, gazing at them hopefully. "Sure, good luck out there," Arthur nodded briskly. The brunette thanked him as he stepped forward. "Will he really be okay out there?" Andrea wondered aloud. "Have some faith in him," Arthur retorted sharply. "Kick their butts! Or maybe not I guess!" Alexis cheered, adding the second part as an afterthought.

"From Wyvern Horn, it's Gwyn Evans!"

"Everyone okay with me doing this one?" Macmillan asked his teammates, who all nodded. "I mean, you're not our most reckless driver. Honestly speaking, without any distractions, you're probably one of our best," Aisling chuckled. "Seeing that Churchfield isn't competing, I should be fine," the redhead nodded.

"Unicorn Mane sends out Alasdair Macmillan!"

"Natsu, take my advice, don't join this event," Gray warned. "Nah! This is the Grand Magic Games! Not the Grand Driving Games! I'll be fine!" Natsu laughed it off as he stepped forward, despite his teammates staunch protests.

"Fairy Tail's Natsu Dragneel looks pretty enthusiastic about this event!"

"If Natsu's joining, I will too," Sting said, announcing his participation without any of teammates approval. "This is most definitely not a good idea," Rufus sighed, covering his face with his hat, seemingly in shame. "You'd think the word 'Chariot' would give it away," Orga said. 'I'm glad it's not me out there,' Rogue thought.

"And finally, from Sabertooth, it's Sting Eucliffe!"

The crowd cheered for their favourite Dragon Slayer. The youth bathed proudly in all his glory, gloating at Natsu. "Can't wait to see you lose this one to me," he taunted, making the pinkette threaten to fight him. Before either of them could engage the other in battle, Chapati began to announce the rules.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2020 ⏰

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