Paying a Visit

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Wendy had just packed all her belongings into her luggage bag. She sighed, looking around at the now empty room. She looked at the time.

12 o' clock.

She had promised she would meet Lucy outside her apartment at one. She couldn't help but feel tears starting to well up in her eyes. She remembered how welcomed she felt when she joined the guild after she lost Caitshelter. She remembered she and the other two Dragon slayers teamed up in Edolas. She didn't really want to leave that all behind.

She didn't know why Lucy wanted to quit, but she couldn't just leave the blonde alone like that, she decided, standing up before making her way to the door.

Carla walked to her side, giving her an encouraging smile, before holding her hand as the two of them walked out the door.

Lucy was standing outside her apartment, her pink luggage bag in hand. She spotted Wendy, and waved in her direction. She hadn't intended to bring Wendy along, but the girl had insisted that she come.

"Are you ready to go?" Lucy asked. Wendy smiled and nodded, trying to convince both Lucy and herself that she really wanted this. Lucy's eyes softened a little, and gently placed a hand on the girl's shoulder.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" The armour piercing question had finally arrived, begging for an answer from her. There was no turning back now, Wendy realised. She nodded in affirmation.

"Alright, then. But before that, I'd like to pay a visit to someone." Lucy said. Wendy looked at her in confusion. Who could Lucy possibly want to meet at a time like this? Her father? She had heard stories about him from Lucy, and he didn't really sound like the kind of person Lucy, or anyone, really, would turn to when she's down in the dumps. "Who?" Wendy asked.

"Someone who just might have the key to make us stronger."


The pink haired woman stared rather menacingly at the three of them. The trio just stood there, not knowing how to react. Should they start with a 'Hi'? Or would she not appreciate the greeting?

After a few painfully long seconds, the door slammed shut before them.

"Scram!" Porlyusica yelled from inside her house. Lucy sighed. Great, they had come all the way here for nothing. Well, there was no harm in trying now, wasn't there?

"Sorry to bother you, ma'am! But we were wondering if you had any potions that could help us become stronger!" Lucy apologised before stating the very reason they had come in the first place.

Carla turned to look at Wendy, whose hands were wrung together in what seemed to be fear or worry. The girl stared at her shoes, her expression that of a disturbed one. "What's the matter, child? You seem upset," Carla asked the girl in concern.

Wendy simply shook her head silently in response. It was at that moment Porlyusica opened the entrance to her house. Did she finally have a change of mind? Lucy wondered hopefully. Her hopes were dashed when she spotted the broom in the woman's hand.

"You know I hate people, so get lost!" Porlyusica shouted at them. "Shoo! Shoo!" She swung her broom at them madly. The three of them took off running in shock. "Sorry to bother you!" Lucy exclaimed while she ran.

"And don't ever think of coming back, you fools!"

Wendy's eyes widened slightly as she stopped in her tracks. She whirled over to look at the woman, but her actions went unnoticed by the fleeing Lucy and Carla. Porlyusica didn't scold her for doing so, and she only stared at her, her expression seemingly beginning to soften ever so slightly.

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