Lamia Scale vs Unicorn Mane

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"The next battle will be between Orga Nanagear of Sabertooth and Warcry of Quatro Cerberus!" Chapati announced, sparking loud cheers from the audience at the mention of Orga's name. "Wow, the crowd goes wild for the fan favourite guild!" He exclaimed.

"Do you think Sabertooth can live up to all that hype?" Lucy wondered aloud. "I believe Wendy took out Rufus with significant ease, so I doubt so," Michelle stated. Wendy shook her head. "No, I don't think the Sky Drill was strong enough to render him unconscious. I was just lucky that any amount of damage counted in Hidden."

"Oh, come on, Wendy, don't be like that," Chelia patted her in the head as Mato officiated the match. Warcry's eyes began to fill with tears before they spilled out, rolling down his cheeks. "What on Earthland is he doing?" Chelia titled her head in confusion. "What's the matter? Why's he crying?" Wendy asked, concerned.

The entire arena and Orga watched him in amusement. "With every drop of tear I cry, I get stronger and stronger!" Warcry exclaimed. "One can only become stronger through tears!"

"Tear Magic. That's quite rare," Wisteria stated. "It's as unique as it is rare," Chelia chuckled. "I wonder how he'll do against Sabertooth," Michelle said. "He gets stronger by crying, and his waterfalls almost match Michelle's in volume, so he might end up becoming super powerful," Lucy commented. "You're right, we shouldn't underestimate him," Wendy nodded.

Orga outstretched his hand towards his opponent, as Warcry got ready to pounce. A large dome of black and yellow lightning appeared, trapping Warcry within it as the orb zapped the poor guy endlessly.

Warcry emerged from the attack unconscious, as Orga was announced as the winner of the battle. "He uses Lightning too?!" Lucy exclaimed. "Just... One attack...?" Wendy's mouth was still agape from shock. The crowd erupted again as the paramedics carried Warcry away. "Black lightning..." Chelia muttered. Orga asked for a microphone from Mato, seemingly about to give an inspirational speech, or something of the like.

Orga sang, or at least, that's what it sounded like to Lucy, into the microphone about how great the Sabertooth guild was. The audience seemed to love it, for some reason. Wendy covered her ears from both the rather unpleasant song along with the loud cheers and shouts from the audience. "He really is powerful!" Michelle yelled over the noise.

"The final match of the day will be between Lamia Scale and Unicorn Mane!" Chapati announced. "Saving the best for last, huh?" Chelia smiled. "I wonder how strong Unicorn Mane will turn out to be," Michelle said, a little worried. "Probably as strong as Wyvern Horn, seeing as they're worthy of being each other's rivals," Lucy replied. "I wonder which one of us will be the one fighting..." Wendy sounded a little nervous, likely because she was still a little low on magic power.

"From Unicorn Mane, it's Pierre Labelle!" The blonde man waved at the crowd as his name was announced, his blue eyes seeming to twinkle with delight and anticipation. "I hope Lamia Scale wipes him off the face of Earthland," Arthur said through clenched teeth.

"And from Lamia Scale, it's..." Chapati began. "The suspense is killing me!" Chelia exclaimed. The five of them couldn't stand still as they waited for one of their names to be announced. Wendy could feel her breath hitched in her throat, and her heart hammering in her chest.


Lucy gasped as the rest of her teammates let out a sigh of relief. The members of Lamia Scale and Fairy Tail all cheered for her. "Good luck, Lucy!" Wendy cheered as Lucy and Pierre both stepped into the arena. Pierre was so sharply dressed, with his hair neatly combed and tied into a short ponytail, and there wasn't a wrinkle in sight on his blue coat, making Lucy feel a little self conscious about her own apparel.

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