Chapter 5: I'm All Alone

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Hey guys! Long time no see, eh? But I'm happy to let you know that from now on I'll be uploading  IWMA more frequently, because I have almost the whole thing planned out now. Thank you for reading this story and please don't forget to vote for the chapters, if you like them. Also, I'd be more than happy to read what you think about the story so far. Do you guys have any theories already? Please let me know, if you do. Stay safe and healthy. Much love.

Chapter 5: I'm All Alone

My parents threw me away as soon as I was born. I spent my childhood going from one foster home to another, I have been adopted several times too, but each time I was returned.

In the foster care center, they used to call me Lucky Charm, because whenever a couple that couldn't have kids adopted me, soon got pregnant and didn't need me anymore. I was like a dog thrown into the street, because they were afraid the new baby would swallow dog hair. 

I've cried the first two times I was returned, but after that I just got numb to the feeling. I was lucky I wasn't physically or sexually abused by neither the foster families, nor the couples adopting me, like some kids in my situation are. So that thought made it a little easy for me to get by. What a sick thought to make me feel better.

At fourteen I was adopted for the sixth time and to my great surprise never returned. Nina and James were a beautiful and kind couple. They treated me like their own, making me almost feel like a part of the family, like I finally found a home, where I could belong, though every morning I'd wake up, expecting them to tell me they were going to return me. That's why I have kept all my stuff in my small suitcase for almost 6 months.

I was never returned.

Nina and James had a daughter, a year older than me, smart, beautiful, talented at playing the violin, but Clair was a total bitch to me.

She'd destroy or steal my things, cut my clothes and bags so I couldn't go to school, bully me in the hallways of the said school along with her friends and more. I've fought back, ignoring her most of the time, because I really couldn't care less, and because I didn't want to complain about any of that to her parents. They were nice enough to let me live at their place and treat me really well, so I didn't want to worry them about anything. I'd try to do everything in my room and not make much noise at home, even though outside I was quite loud and wild with my friends. 

Inside it was like walking on eggshells, silently dancing over sharp pieces of a broken glass, trying to be invisible. The only person I could be myself with was Nina's mom, Emilia, my grandma. The only person that could call me Birdie.

She was different from everyone I've met before, at her 65 she and I would dance in her living room to the loud music we'd put on and build simple wooden furniture in her garage. She'd force me to read my poetry to her, ask me about every inspiration behind the pieces and tell me her honest opinion on them, even though sometimes her blunt comments would hurt like a bitch.

She was the only person I could consider my family, so when she passed away years later, when I was already 19, leaving her house to me, I experienced the loss of a family again.

Honestly, that was the first time I cried in 10 years... Her death hit me harder than anything, but again I was determined to overcome the pain, I was determined to win over the loneliness and the shithole that's called life.

The reason I am talking about this now, is because I want you to know that life has never been easy for me. I know no one gets it easy, I know everyone is struggling, but to me mine was a total war in a battlefield. Trying to live when no one wants you to survive since the day you were born is something that can fuck your head up... royally.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2020 ⏰

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