Chapter 8(super short)

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"I never asked for this, I should have stayed in the Biomedical Department, but no, I just had to come here for all of the extra funding..." mumbled Mr. Fenrir as he walked out from behind the curtain carrying Anna.

His timing was too perfect. I wasn't sure if I could handle the awkward silence between me and Ms. Clara any longer.

"This is to much work... Lancaster, get in here!" Said Mr. Fenrir after throwing Anna onto the pile of students, and walking behind the curtain again.

I followed as quick as someone as lazy as me can go.

Once we were behind the curtain he gestured for me to lie down on the dentist-looking chair as he prepared some form of liquid.

As soon as I was in a comfortable position I was already in sleep mode and barely noticed he turned around towards me and injected the liquid using a needle. It only took ten seconds for me to lose consciousness.

For a long time my mind was submerged in darkness. No thoughts. No feelings. Just an empty space.

But as if by a simple flip of a switch, light floods in and memories pours into all places.

A building. A woman in a lab coat. An army. A dangerous time. A new life of luxuries. Sleep. Food. Education. And...

Nothing. I woke up to the slap on the back from a great evil. Not quite as evil as broccoli, but certainly worse than cold pizza. It was Caz! Yes, this evil had not only woken me up once, but twice!

And once again before I had the privilege of glaring at this evil, I was distracted by the odd actions of others.

Which wasn't so strange considering the action was Lana breaking a cinderblock with her bare hands. And then punching Anna in the stomach, who was completely unscathed from the action.

I blinked. My expression remained calm and apathetic. But on the inside...

What the heck is happening?! Why do I always wake up to something crazy?!

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