Chapter 2

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"Apologies for the inturuption, Director Allen has asked for 20 students to go to the gym." said a voice from up above(also known as a speaker) as I sat down in my seat in biology class.

I stopped paying attention since the names of dozens of students doesn't concern me and started to get comfortable, when...

"...Jax Lancaster... Lana Moreno..."

My head shot up. Eh?! I never did anything bad... Nothing that was considered illeagal in 2070...

I got up and walked out of the class the teacher nodding at me before I left.

Now I have to wait to take my nap, what a pain

As I walked down the hallway, my head drooping, I heard a loud bang from the gym to my left and turned my head.

"What the heck did I do to deserve this?!"

A girl dark skin, brown hair and blue eyes was trying to pull her backpack strap that was stuck on the door she had just slammed.

"Now I can't practice..." I heard her mumble.

She looks up, as she finally manages to free her backpack and notices that I am there.

"What are you looking at?" She said in a defensive manner.

I just shrugged and continued to walk toward the gym.

"HEY!" She said as she ran up behind me.

"Are you one of the people who the director called too? Do you know why he is?" She looked at me with a worried face.

"You don't know?" I said as if it were the newest gossip.

"Er... Of course I do!... I was just checking if you do to! I always know the answers!" She said, putting an arrogant air around her.

"Hmm? Then could you tell me? I don't really know myself." I said a frown on my face, as if it actually concerned me.

"Uh... You should just wait until we get there, like the other people who are not fortunate enough to meet me."

"Hmm..." I said in response.

We continued to walk together until we reached the doors of the gym and opened them.

"Welcome! Please have a seat, students!" Said a cheery voice as we entered.

It was a man that stood up 6'10 tall and a face that would make a baby cry, with it's rugged features and a scar on each eyes. He wore a business suit that did not seem to match his aura and his creepy, smiling face.

"It's a pleasure to see you again, Director Allen." Said the girl, bowing respectfully.

This man is the Director of the Department of Promising Youths?!

"Yes, same to you, Lana Moreno. Tell your parents that I said thank you for all their hard work and for supporting the Department of Promising Youths." Said Mr. Allen, smiling softly, yet still creepily.

"And you must be Jax Lancaster!" Smiling widely at me, nearly making me shiver.

"Yes, nice to meet you Director Allen." I said, my apathetic tone nearly leaking out.

"Thank you both for coming without any information. But not to worry, I promise you are not missing classes without good reason."

What could possibly be more important than sleeping in class? I thought, annoyed.

"Yes sir, thank you, Mr. Allen." Said the girl, Lana, still respectfully, her face like stone.

"Ah! Hello, students!" He said walking past us noticing that other people had arrived.

Lana sighed. "He really needs to learn to wear a mask or something when he meets new people." She said as she looks at the students behind us with pity, who were cowering in fear at the Director before them.

"Alright, students! Come sit down! It's time to begin. Stop trying to climb up the rope Rodriguez, your just to small, so SIT DOWN!" Said a womanly, military-like voice.

"Ms. Clara calm down, the students just got here." Mr. Allen said to the woman who was standing in front of all the chairs they had set up, with a scowl on her face.

"We need to get the show on the road Mr. Allen, the sooner we begin, the better." She said as if she were the advisor of a general, suggesting to attack the enemy immediately.

Mr. Allen sighed and said " Yes students, we must start talking, please take your seats."

As the 20 students started to fill in the chairs, Mr. Allen walked to the front, and Ms. Clara left the room, seemingly to get something.

"Ahem." Mr. Allen coughed, quieting the already silent students.

"Well, students, I'm sure you were wondering why you were called here. Not to worry, your not in trouble. All of you got the highest scores on the department-wide test that you took last week. And we congratulate you, but the test was to determine which students we can opt to go on a mission for the department."

The students started to mumble "Mission?" "Why would they want students?" "Are we going to be put in danger?"

The last comment was spoken by a red haired and eyed boy, who said it louder than the others, and was sitting with excitement on his face.

"If so, count me in."

Lost No MoreOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz