Chapter 6

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I guess more of a training room than a gym. Thoughts of what I would have to do with the equipment inside made me shiver.

I also didn't see why we had to make such a long walk to get here when we were already at  the gym. Or why I had to be here at all.

"Yo! Science dude, is this the "equipment" everyone is talking about?" asked Caz as he peered inside the room.

"Don't be ridiculous! This is just where I do tests on... Uh..." Mr. Fenrir glanced at Aston and then Ms. Clara. "On... my hamster? Anyway it has nothing to do with all of you, just follow me." he said, walking past the questionable athletic equipment.

I sighed in relief that I wouldn't have to do exercise and followed behind everyone else. Then I started to worry that this would be another long walk.

"Ahem. Mr. Fenrir I do hope you got what Mr. Allen asked for us to use?" said Ms. Clara. Her tone said she wasn't asking, rather, demanding.

"Uh, yes." said Mr. Fenrir glancing around nervously, avoiding eye contact with Ms. Clara.

"Old man, what is the problem?" said the woman, arching her eyebrow.

"Well... you already know that it hasn't really been tested. I just find it irresponsible that the first will be children." he whispered to Ms. Clara in a low voice, though it didn't really help cause everyone suddenly looked alarmed.

"Mr. Fenrir, it would be good to remember we don't have a choice. And everything that is at stake here." she said, putting her hand on Mr. Fenrir's shoulder in a threatening manner and keeping her voice low. "Besides, you're the smartest one in the department! Its your own invention, have some faith." she continued a bit louder this time so we could hear her.

"Yes! Of course! Not to worry children, there is only a 65% chance something will go wrong." said Mr. Fenrir, looking back at us, smiling.

Everyone shifted around nervously.

"Old man you do know that 65% means there is a greater chance of your invention not working." said Aston glaring at his boss.

"HAHAHA! And it would usually be larger but since its me who made it..." the old man said enthusiastically.

"Yeah, I'm not doing this. See ya!" said Lana, turning around to escape, but before she could get five feet ahead Ms. Clara was suddenly in front of her.

"Alright, lets cut the manure. There is a large danger in all of you participating in this mission but the plain fact is you don't have a choice. Even if something goes wrong, you don't have a choice. If one of you dies, the rest of you don't have a choice. The only person who has a choice here is the director's daughter and I don't think she's planning on skipping out. So just follow the old man, get the implant and find Machu Picchu, its as simple as that." said Ms. Clara harshly, making most everyone gulp.

"That's your idea of simple?" I said, nearly puking at how much work that sounded.

"I said simple, not easy." she said glaring at me.

"Cough ,Cough." we looked back at Mr. Fenrir. "I think we all understand the situation here, so we all know there is no time for squabbling around, lets move on shall we?" he said, his eyes sparkling in excitement to test his invention. On kids.

Clearly the eyes of a mad scientist. I thought as we continued walking through the lab.

"So I suppose I should tell you what exactly the "equipment" Mr. Allen was talking about is. Hmm... how should I put this?" said Mr. Fenrir as we trailed behind him.

"Ms. Clara said something about an implant. I don't remember you ever talking about something like that, Mr. Fenrir." said Allen, confused.

"Well its something that was assigned by the higher ups. Higher than our director. But that's not what matters. If any of you are going to have a chance your going to need it. But, yes it is an implant of sorts, meant to genetically alter whatever weak points you have and make you capable of doing things humans can't." said Mr. Fenrir smoothly, as if speaking of the weather.

Everyone was silent.

"Are you saying this is gonnna make us like mutants or something? That's sick! And I'm not even sure what I mean by that." said Caz in an uncertain voice, breaking the silence after 10 seconds.

"No, it shouldn't do anything like that. I want to imagine it will simply turn you into more powerful humans. Like comic superheroes from the 2010's. The implant is very complicated so I'm not completely sure. Clearly someone insane is playing a part in making a bunch of teenagers be the first to try it out."

Like You?  I thought, remembering his excitement.

"Mr. Fenrir, who made the decision is not important, its your job so don't ponder on the matter." said Ms. Clara very quickly, almost nervously.

Mr. Fenrir frowned as he turned back around to us. "Yes, well we are here now. This is where the implants will be, well, implanted. I call them The Seeds."

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