Chapter 3

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"You shouldn't be so willing to get yourself killed, Mr. Robbins." said Ms. Clara as she pushed a blackboard with a large map of the world pinned up on it.

There was an old, short, crouching man that followed behind her, looking at the bottom of her knee-length skirt sadly.

"Ah! Mr. Fenrir, thank you for coming." said Mr. Allen, his face brightening at the sight of them.

"To answer your question, young Casper, there will be danger, but it will be noticibly reduced with the proper equipment and instruction, that Mr. Fenrir here will provide." said the director, looking back at his audiance as the woman and the old geezer made their way to the front.

"The goal is to find a specific artifact located in Machu Picchu, an old Incan temple which, according to legend, is still standing today.

"Let's, go into further detail, shall we?" said Mr. Allen, smiling at the end. A nice gesture, but it only resulted in the shivering of students, who translated it to Stop talking or your going to get hurt.

"So as you know, at the moment we are located here, in the Old Europe, and the artifact is located here in the Old South America." began Ms. Clara, pointing to the map as she talked to us.

"The exact location of Machu Picchu has been lost bto history, though we believe it is in the northern part of this continent.

Due to time, we are going to split each of you into grout of five with a chaperone to scout in different regions.

Once you find the Machu Picchu, depending on the situation, the chaperone will decide wether to contact our department for back up, or get the artifact themselves.

With Mr. Fenrir's help we can get the proper technology for you to survey the journey there, and contact us from such a long distance.

There are key features described in the file that Mr. Fenrir is passing out, such as the famous Temple of the Moon, so you know when you find Machu Picchu. As for the artifact, leave it to your chaperone to recognize.

Are there any questions?" finished Ms. Clara

"Why do we need the artifact? And why us?" said Aston, raising his head and stating his concerns after Ms. Clara nodded at him.

Hmm, I didn't know he was here, but I guess it makes sense. I thought as I lazily looked in his direction.

Ms. Clara sighed, mumbling under her breath that she doesn't get paid enough for this. "Mr. Allen, can take over from here."

"To answer young one, the reason we need it is classified. The reason we are using you is because, we are the Department of Promising Youths, it only makes sense that we show the world why you are with us."

Aston frowned a little at this, but stopped questioning none of the less.

"It's more like the Department of Orphans." Lana mumbled next to me.

I signed at this, because it was basically true. There is no adult willing to say to a child that they don't have any potential.

It seemed Mr. Allen noticed the sudden downcast mood of the twenty students because he continued "All of you, however have proven that you are ready to take action. Wether it be physically or mentally, all if you have shown that it is no longer potential keeping you here. You are talented. And we need your help. So will you join us on this noble quest?"

I almost felt like clapping for the director. He clearly has some talent himself. In politics. It's no wonder he's on the top seat. Though he could have done better.

The students were quiet for a moment, but suddenly the red haired boy, Casper, said "Of course, old man! I already said I would come if there was danger!"

After this, slowly one after another the students said something so the adults would acknowledge their agreement.

I started to fall asleep... This doesn't seem like anything important to me right now, I'll take this chance... I thought as I started dozing off, until...

"...Jax Lancaster... Lana Moreno... And Casper Robbins. That's the last of it, everyone get together with your team."

I blinked. I guess they started to split everyone up...

I looked around, Lana was still next to me and Casper was heading toward us, so I didn't think I had to move.

Might as well get comfortable... I thought and started heading back to my dream of pancakes.

But... someone just had to clasp their hand on my back and fully wake me up.

I behind me to see who the dastardly villain was, only to look past the evil red head and see our director in a ball, practically crying.

What in the world did I miss?
Mr. Fenrir


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Mr. Allen


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