We soon almost reached Arjun's chariot.

"Look there is Subhadrae" Dau said pointing at the chariot.

"And look at that man, I am totally sure now that he is Arjun." Duryodhan shouted.

What a love for his enemy!
He can recognise him from such a far distance.
I am impressed.

Kanha smiled as he looked at me.

I don't know what that look means. I have no idea.

"Dau look Subhadra is driving the chariot not Arjun. That means Subhadra had eloped Arjun and not what we were thinking." Kanha shouted to them.

"But how is that possible? How can she elope Arjun? Why would she even do that?" Duryodhan asked confusedly.

"That, we will get to know once we catch them." Dau said with some thoughts as he sped up this chariot.

It is getting intense each second.

We overtook them soon. Arjun was shocked but had no fear on his face. While Subu, she looked very scared and confused.

She stopped the chariot.

"Bhrata..." she could say this much.

"Just one thing Subhadrae. Did you elope him or did he eloped you?" Dau asked firmly trying to control his sadness and anger.

"Bhrata I--- eloped him" Subu said with much nervousness and tension.

Her face was filled with guilt.

Have courage Subu.

Arjun was about to say something but Kanha gestured him not to.

"Why?" Dau asked some signs of anger.

I looked at Kanha who had a blank serious expression.

"Bhrata... I never wanted to marry Duryodhan. I loved Arjun and wanted to marry only him." Subu explained without any hesitation.

Dau turned and looked at Kanha.

"I guess we should first go back to the castle, then we will think what to do?" Kanha suggested.

Everyone agreed and we went back to the castle.

Kanha, Dau, Subu and I were in a room.

"I didn't expect you to do this Subhadrae." Dau said to Subu.

"Bhrata I never meant to hurt you" Subu wanted to explain herself.

"Dau, I guess it was our fault only. We never even thought about Subhadra's choice. She never got a chance to choose her own groom. I am not saying this because Arjun but because Subhadra is our sister. " Kanha tried to explain this to Dau.

"But Kanha what about Duryodhan? I promised him that Subhadrae will marry him." Dau explained his tension.

"Can I say something Dau? Would you be happy if Subu would have married Duryodhan? If she would never be happy with Duryodhan? Your one promise could have ruined her life. You all told me during my svayamvar that I can choose whoever I want as my life partner then why not the same for Subu?" I said too much in irritation.

Was that too much Kanha?

"No it was enough Amrit?" He said through his mind.

Dau was silent for a second.

"Amrit, you and Subhadrae go to her room. Don't come outside before you are told to." Dau ordered.
I guess he was trying to hid his emotions from us and wanted to talk with Kanha.

"But dau..." I tried to reason.

"Just leave it Ammu" Subu said so and took me to her room.

We both sat on the bed.

"Will Bhrata agree Ammu?" Subu said in lot of tension.

"I hope he will" I said not wanting her to know that I know.

After sometime, a maid entered our room.

"Rajkumari, you both are called" she told us and then left.

We both walked to the hall. We saw Dau, Kanha and Arjun there. I and Arjun had an eye contact. He gave a pleasing smile.

Dau walked to us. He turned towards Subu.

"I am sorry Subhadrae for what I did. But now I want to mend my mistake. You will be married to Arjun, tonight." He said with a smile.

"Really Bhrata?" Subu asked in excitement.

Dau nodded as yes and Subu hugged him.

To Be Continued

Author's Note-

So here's the next part is here.

I don't know what exactly happened after Subhadra was eloped but I do think that the way I described it kind of makes sense (I am sure many writers must have written in a much better way) and suits my story.

I also posted the next part of His! ,don't forget to check it out.

And also, next part will contain a lot of fun.

The Epic From Her Eyes- Mahabharata Where stories live. Discover now