"Good morning to you too. I had a wonderful night, I'm just a bit hungover, nothing a pint of blood couldn't fix. Yes, I had sweet dreams and woke up on the right side of the bed. Thank you for asking."

"Your sarcasm never fails to impress me." Colson shakes his head at Pytor who just rolls his eyes at him.

"Want a sip?"

"Ask me when my heart no longer beats." Colson answers. He pulls out the carton of mango juice and placed it on the counter, he grabbed a mug and the coffee beans when the microwave let out a loud ping. He quickly sets about putting the coffee beans in the cofffee maker and flipped on the switch.

When he sits and dug into his food, Pytor let out a burp, the straw pressed to his cheek.

"Are you fucking Aetos?"

The question startles Colson who almost chokes on his rice. He drops his fork onto the plate and stared at Pytor who just continued talking.

"He wasn't supposed to go to New York, he had sorted their shit over the phone but he changes his mind overnight and then the very next day, he gets in his car and made his way back. To you. So are you fucking or not?"

Colson resists the urge to smack Pytor and instead, gets up to get his coffee. Once he had poured it into his mug and had taken his seat again, he replied.

"We are not fucking. I didn't ask him to come back from New York, nor did I send him there. He went on his own accord and came back himself. I didn't ask him to but I appreciated it. He makes me feel... safe. And I needed to feel that, especially after what happened."

Pytor doesn't move or saying anything for a few seconds before nodding. "At the meeting with Erik, he said you couldn't say who the person was. What about writing it down? Or typing it down? Or writing the person's name in the sand with a stick?"

Colson perks up at that. He couldn't believe they hadn't thought of that. If he could find another way to say it maybe they could kill Michel or something. Pytor disappeared and appears in just a blink of an eye and hands Colson a pen and paper.

Colson pressed the pen to the paper and willed his hand to move. He draws a straight line but when he goes to curve it, to write down the first letter- M, his hands began to shake and he feels a sharp pain in his leg where Michel has hit him the last time. It felt so real and the pain was so much, Colson let's out a loud cry as he slams into the counter, Pytor reaching for him with sharp reflexes.

Colson feels the same crippling fear from that day, bloom inside him. He feels cold and his body began to shake. He could hear Pytor telling him to calm down when he was lifted off the stool. There was a ruffle and then he looks up at ... Aetos.

Aetos places Colson on the bed, he takes Colson's hand in his.

"I need you to breathe, Colson." Aetos said, his voice loud enough to pierce the fog that was gradually filling his vision.

"Breathe!" Aetos' voice sounded far away. He felt like he was slowly going underwater and for the first time in his life he couldn't control the water. Colson gasps, his hands clawing out, trying to grab onto something, anything.

Aetos didn't know what else to do, so he takes matters into his own hands. He grabs Colson's hand, his fangs enlongating as he sunk them into Colson's arm and yanks.

Colson screams loud and piercing, he jerks out of the fog, his chest rising and falling like he had been running for years. Tears slipped down his eyes as he cradled his arm, Aetos leaning as far as he possibly could be, seeing he was still close to Colson, his fangs still out and lips stained with blood.

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