Chapter 3

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Kara's POV

"Jocelyn!" I yelled into the void of darkness.

I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder as I opened my eyes.

"Hey, Kara. You're okay." Mon-el said looking into my eyes with concern.

He pulled me into his arms and gently stroked my hair, as tears flowed freely from my eyes.

"Did we do the right thing?" I cried.

"We did all we could." He said gently.

"I know this is selfish. But I just miss her." I let out. 

I held onto the last words I uttered. My heart throbbed with an longing to hold my baby girl again.

"If the gods will it, she will come back to us." He whispered.

Jocelyn's POV

I woke to a dull pain in my leg. I looked around remembering all the events of the night before.

"Morning sunshine." A voice said across the room.

"Barry." I chuckled. 

"Hey. How you feeling?" He said walking over to me.

"I'm okay." I smiled.

"You sound just like Oliver." He laughed.

"How long have you been here?" I asked.

"Not long. Just since midnight." He said.

"Midnight? That's when we got here." I made a face.

He just gave me a look.

"You really did not need to stay here all night." I sighed.

"I know. Caitlin wanted to stay here with you but I made her go home. She only left because I promised to stay with you." He smiled.

"What time is it?" I said looking out the window at the bright sun.

"7. Why? You got somewhere to be?"He said sarcastically.

"Barry?!" a young MD yelled from the cortex.

"Morning to you too." He said with a tilt of his head.

"Did you wake her up? I swear Barry." Caitlin said waving a sterile syringe in his face.

"No. She woke up on her own." He said putting his hands up in defense.

"Hi Cait." I smiled.

"Hey peanut. You feeling better?" She smiled at me.

"Yeah. Thanks." I smiled back.

"I just need to take your blood one more time." She said grabbing some tubes.

"Okay. What for?" I said rolling up my sleeve.

"The bullet that went into your leg, had some weird chemical coating it. But nothing to worry about." She said.

I smiled and let Caitlin do her thing. After she had finished, Barry had run to Jitters and got us coffee and a muffin. After eating, I went into the speed lab and decided to train on an old dummy. 

A couple hours had passed and voice called from the door.

"Want a real person to train with?" A shadow said.

As the person walked out of the shadows, a smile ran across my face.

"Maybe now I can actually beat you." I laughed.

"Not a chance." My blonde sister said.

We hugged for what felt like an eternity. But I felt like home.

'What are you doing here? Are you even supposed to be out and about?" I said checking her over.

"I should be asking you the same question. Is your leg okay? Why did you run off?" She said concerned.

I looked to the ground. 

"Hey. I'm okay. The bullet just hit my shoulder. Look at me." She said lifting my head.

I looked into her deep blue eyes. Even though I was older by a few months, she had always taken care of me and had my back in everything.

"Mom and Dad are they.." I started.

"No. They aren't mad. At first they were worried out of their minds. I mean, both of us got shot and one of us ran off with a bleeding bullet wound to who-knows-where. But when they knew Barry had you. They calmed down and were actually kinda proud. They didn't know you had this in you." She explained.

I smiled.

"I think that they would really like to see you." She said.

I nodded and walked to the door hand in hand with my best friend. I had a limp and I knew that Mom would be more worried than necessary about it.

As I walked down the halls toward the cortex, I played different versions of what could happen in my head. When we reached the cortex, I took a deep breath and went in ready to face it.

"I am so--" I was cut short by a long embrace from both of my parents. 

"We are just glad that you are okay." Dad said. 

After being release from the hug, Mom began to check me over. 

"Jocelyn, we were so worried. We didn't know what had happened to you or if you were still alive..." she began to ramble.

"Honey." Dad stopped her.

"Sorry. Habit." She said.

"You ready to go home?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"Thank you so much Bar." He turned to Barry. 

"Anytime." He smiled.

Caitlin walked over to me and handed me a bag.

"This is for you and your sister. Cleaning and bandaging supplies. Take care of yourselves." She smiled.

"No promises." I smiled back.

"Let's go home." I said limping forward.

Dad nodded and picked me up onto his shoulders.


A/N: Thank you guys so much for reading. I hope you are liking it so far. Please leave comments and let me know!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2019 ⏰

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