Royalty AU

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Since you'd come of marriageable age suitors came to the palace almost daily. They would spend weeks trailing after your father and plying you with gifts and empty flattery. The suitor's gifts became more and more extravagant in their quest to impress you, though nothing worked as you wanted someone who was there for you and not the power and status you would bring. One day, yet another suitor arrived at the palace, claiming to have a one of a kind courting favor for you. The gift that he presented was indeed something you'd never seen before; something that seemed to be human but had the tail and ears of an animal. The creature was stunningly beautiful and obviously richly attired and bathed for your benefit, though you could still see bruises whenever the robe slipped. It was the eyes that caught your attention, however. The creature was terrified, but apparently resigned to their fate enough to not fight, like they had given up hope. The sudden overwhelming urge to protect and spoil them took you by surprise, but it was one that you embraced as you sent the foul suitor away and whisked the creature off to your wing of the palace. (The rest is up to you. I kinda envisioned OC falling in love and confronting their father so they could marry the hybrid instead). 

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