Wild Hybrids Au

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Your great grandfather, a man that you had never met, has passed away and apparently left you with a huge plot of land. You've always been a city person and you had no idea what you were expected to do with what sounded like empty land beside selling it. You were advised to at least go and take a look at it before you did anything official, so here you were, in the middle of nowhere with no people in sight. As you go further into the open land, you spot smoke and walk towards it, finding a small rugged camp, their tents, and other supplies all obviously scrounged. A camp filled with ragged and terrified hybrids that are begging you not to shoot or turn them in. Taking pity on the poor things, you promise not to do anything and accept their offer of dinner, meager as it was. Which soon led to an offer to stay at their camp for the night as the nearest town was four hours away. Eventually, one night turned into two, then more, hunting and playing together until you decided the best thing to do with this land was build these sweet things a home.

And maybe they'd even let you stay.

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