Late Night Poisoning

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Thursday night finds a certain carrot-haired man sulking in a late night bar, just the atmosphere he needed and wanted.

His home was unoccupied at the moment but he had a feeling that his nosy neighbor would go to any means just to snoop and find embarrassing pictures of him. So he made sure to ultra-lock the doors and windows.

"One tequila please," he murmured to the bartender, who grunted and got to work.

Sigh. His performance in his work was getting worse, and he knows it's nobody's fault but his.

Stupid brain. Stupid heart.

Ughh. He really wants to say sorry to Taehyung.

For whatever reason he doesn't care. He just wants their relationship to make up.

Wait... relationship?

Jimin snap out of it. He's just a friend. Nothing more. Right?

The bartender comes back with a small glass filled with liquid.

Jimin's just about to down it all in one gulp when it's snatched by quick hands, and he whizzes his head so fast it snaps.

He gapes for a moment. Blinks twice, thrice.

"Jeon Jungkook?!"

Said boy smiles at him sheepishly before taking a seat beside his hyung.

"Give that back!"

He makes to snatch the glass back, but the brat actually had the guts to dump the liquid on the floor, and Jimin's anger just flares up.

"Jungkook what the actual-"

"It's poisoned, didn't you see?"

This casual statement makes Jimin gape and freeze. Say what now?

His eyes are so wide, and all his brain can think up of is a blank line going horizontal.

"What did you say?" He focuses once more on Jungkook, who was no longer casual and aloof. He was worried and concerned. "I was almost poisoned?!"

Jungkook clamps a hand over his mouth, looks around, and hisses "Shh!" His face takes on this thoughtful look. "But yea you almost died."

Jimin flails his arms around to rid of the hand on his mouth, and wails to no one in particular "Why does the world hate me so? Why am I being targeted? Huh??"

Jungkook's eyes shift around to see if anyone was paying attention to his neighbor's mini breakdown. Only a few gave him brief looks before focusing on their own businesses.

He was also on the lookout for any possible suspect. The bar wasn't that crowded, and there were no brawls happening around. Just chatters and light music.

He then spots a cloaked figure briskly walking toward the exit.

He stands abruptly, and makes the mistake of meeting the teary eyes of his hyung.

Aishh... he hates to leave him looking so vulnerable like that, especially when hyung was his mission to protect, but he has to find out who that other guy was.

"I'll come back for you okay?"

But Jimin just makes it harder by clinging onto his arm.

"Don't leave me Kook! What if-"

"Trust me, I won't let anyone harm you, not when I'm around. I'll come back, promise."

With a little smile, he runs after the mysterious person.

Jimin and the bartender just gape at the door, before the latter speaks.

"Need anything else?"

The accountant warily looks at him.

"No thanks; you might be the one who spiked my drink."
Jungkook pants as he hurries after the person, who was unbelievably quick and light on their feet.

He needs to reach that person.

Judging by the tallness and somewhat lean figure, Jungkook deduces it's a man, maybe older than him.

At last, he's close.

His fingers reach out, and they brush against the material of the cloak.

Suddenly, they run, and Jungkook has to double his speed without wanting to.

"Hey you! Wait up!"

He sees them glance back for a second before they swiftly turn the corner, Jungkook close behind.

Jeon Jungkook was not only Park Jimin's neighbor. He was also a secret agent, having been hired just three months ago when an agent had been sent to observe him.

He was given the task to protect his neighbor at all costs, since the agency knew how close the two were, and they were aware that Jimin was being targeted by another organization.

After more running around and dodging, Jungkook got out a dart and aimed at their shoulder.

He was good at almost anything, and he wasn't surprised when the dart stuck to the person's shoulder, eliciting a deep yelp of pain.

Taking advantage of the situation, Jungkook ran toward him and grabbed him by the shoulders roughly before spinning them to face him, the hood falling over to reveal-

"Kim Taehyung?!"

The handsome face smiles in pain, eyes clenched shut.

"Missed me?"

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