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You're almost late to class as you had forgotten your water bottle and only realized when you'd already walked halfway. You'd just managed to get to class with a couple of minutes to spare, but you'd already worked up a sweat.

Luckily, your normal spot next to Eunha was free and you slid into it. You looked around the room, not spotting Jimin at all. While normally you kept your gaze away from the boy, you knew the two of you needed to discuss what happened the night before. It was obvious he remembered otherwise he wouldn't have left or would've at least left a note like he usually did. 

The instructor came in and class started. Jimin was nowhere among the crowd of dancers and as the music started, you couldn't shake the feeling from the back of your neck that it was because of you.

Class went by as usual other than Jimin wasn't there. It wasn't just you that seemed to notice his missing presence, you noticed your classmates looking around and glancing at each other, shrugging. When class ended, your instructor the typical shuffling when the music shut off. 

"Remember to continue working on your piece for the final showcase," she said. "It's going to take the entire semester to perfect and I want it to show a culmination of the styles you have come to perfect and love. I want to feel who you are through your dance. Keep that in mind as you're choreographing." 

As you gathered your things, you thought about Jimin's suggestion to include some ballet in your routine. While you could include some of the simpler moves and foot positions, doing anything iconically recognizable as ballet without risking re-injuring or hurting yourself in some other way. But, you knew Jimin was right, pushing your body to its extremes was the point of dancing. Bruises on your knees, injuries, sore muscles, they were all just part of the job.

You tossed your backpack over your shoulders and walked back towards your apartment. you caught a glimpse of a familiar black motorcycle parked outside the building. You looked up and saw Jimin leaning against it, he wasn't facing your way. You were just about to grab his attempt when you heard someone behind you. 

"Jimin!" Eunha ran out from behind you and rushed towards him. "Why weren't you in class?" 

"Ah, it was nothing. I didn't feel well, but I feel much better now that you're here." He handed her his second helmet as she climbed on the motorcycle behind him. Her thighs where yours usually sat and her arms wrapped around his middle.

You rolled your eyes before Jimin could notice you and headed towards your apartment. You couldn't fight off the sour taste in your mouth. It wasn't so much jealousy as it was sadness that you'd just been beginning to think that maybe Jimin had changed. 


The club was oddly busy for a weeknight. You filled and refilled drinks constantly and shook cocktails nearly every second. You barely registered the music as you worked. 

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