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    Kaori tiredly sighed lying down on his bed after stripping into his black checkered boxers. He growled as a knock sounded from outside his door.

    "What?", He said opening his door to see his little sister whimpering holding her stuffed dog. 

    "Bubba?", She whimpered as she questioned his angry tone. 

    "Valentina, what's wrong?", Kaori asked with worry as he scooped the young girl into a bear hug. 

    "Can I sleep with you, Bubba?", The three-year-old asked her fourteen-year-old brother. 

    "Yeah.", He smiled picking the little girl up and lying her in his bed. 

    She cuddled against her brother; slowly closed her green eyes, falling into a dream-filled sleep. He smiled holding her tiny body to his muscular chest. Her long brown hair framed her sleeping face beautifully, her small mouth partly open as she slept. He took one last look at his little sister's face which resembled his dead mother. He felt tears fill his eyes before he fell asleep. 

    He awoke to a loud crash and crying. Kaori looked down to find an empty space where his sister was supposed to be. 

    "Valentina!", He yelled not thinking before bolting downstairs as worry and fear filled him. 

    "What was she downing in your room, Kaori?", The children's father asked holding his struggling sister. 

    Kaori noticed behind his father lied a broken plate. 

   "She wanted to be with me. What happened, Adam?", Kaori asked glaring at his father while calling him by his first name. 

   "She startled me when I-", He was interrupted by a young woman walking into the kitchen asking what was going on. 

    "O-oh... Am I interrupting?", She asked embarrassed to be seen by her boyfriend's children. 

    "Tch, disgusting. Valentina let's go to bed.", Kaori said taking his baby sister away from his shocked father and walking upstairs. 

    "Bubba, is daddy mad?", Valentina whined as Kaori laid her down on his bed for the second time that night. 

    "No.", Kaori smiled as she smiled and closed her green orbs. 

    Kaori held her in a protective cuddle as he heard his father walk upstairs to his bedroom. Without knocking, he walked in and went over to his son. 

    "Kaori, look, son, I'm sorry. I feel that Amanda would be a good influence on Valentina.", Adam said trying to stroke his daughter's hair before Kaori slapped his hand away.

    "You're disgusting. What you want Valentina to walk around dressed like Amanda too?", Kaori growled the woman's name. 

    "N-", Adam was about to speak. 

"Get the hell out. You're going to wake Valentina.". Kaori hissed making his father sigh and walk out, closing the door behind him. 

 I 'm sorry, my children. I love you both and your mother.

A/N: THIS EXPLAINS WHY KAORI HATES HIS FATHER AND WHAT HIS FATHER SAYS IN THE END! Kaori's mother died one year after Valentina's birth. Kaori blames his father for pulling the plug on his mother. You see cause she was in a car crash two months before her death. Kaori and his family waited for his mother to awake since the doctor's put her into a medically induced coma. Kaori didn't lose hope, but his father had lost hope. Along with losing hope, he began drinking and picking up prostitutes. On April 13, Kaori's father pulled the plug that kept his wife alive. Ever since Kaori has hated his father. Now the ending... He says he's sorry and loves them along with his dead wife. Why? Well, he pulled the plug because he was drunk and couldn't handle the thought of Valentina living her life hoping her mother would wake up just like his son was doing. He in no way hated his wife, truly he loved her, but to protect his daughter from the pain of seeing her mother like that, he pulled the plug. I hope this clears everything up! Anymore questions comment or DM me! BYE!

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