My Master

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        It is a dark and stormy night. I toss my velvet cape behind me with a flourish, descend the winding staircase. My beautifully black painted living room erupted with a flash of light. I slowly walked into the dark room and pull my matches out of my dress pocket. I light the match with a quick stroke of my wrist. I quickly toss the lit match into the fireplace and it erupts into flames. The beautiful flaring flames put me into a trance as they danced in front of my eyes. Flames symbolize beauty in a magnificence way. The way they dance alongside their fuel. The way they take all the oxygen they can from the air, much like humans. The way they can destroy entire cities or forests in a short amount of time. Human share fires destructive habits. We destroy other people's homes and wage war on innocent, people. We also share a fire's deception and beauty. Things that are beautiful aren't always innocent. Fire and people aren't always easy to control either, they can be controlled just not easily. I have learned that all too well. Humans are quite interesting beings, I'll observe them a little while longer then I shall come home, Master...

        My master is the master of all of us beings. We symbolize observe and learn. We learn from many beings, we observe them first. Then we start to change ourselves into the beings we watch and get closer to observe. I have observed these humans and their planet called Earth for three years now. Soon I will return to my home and master. Then my master will assign me a mate. Female or male, I will accept whoever my master assigns to me. He is the perfect matchmaker, whoever he assigns to you is your soulmate. My master is eternal and he will forever be our master. Our master has the gift of eternal life and soon he will finally choose himself a mate and give his mate eternal life. My master is my world, I will accept anything he says I must do. 

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