The big day 2/4 (getting ready)

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After  Lissa injected the vaccine into me, I left with Lissa to get ready, we were all in her apartment and Dimitri, Christian, Eddie, Mikhail, Trey,Adrian, Charles, and Grey(one of dimitri's friend) were in my apartment, getting ready.

"Rose,first were going to get your bridesmaids ready the we well have all the time for you. " the make-up artist said.

"Ok, that's fine." I said

"Rose, for the mean while I will get your hair to dry,and we well start the hair style you picked. " the hair stylist said.  My hair was wet because I had taken a shower.

"Kay." I said I got up to go sit infront a mirror. 

"My dear,daughter your looking wonderful. " i heard my dad say

"Old man, i'm not even ready yet." I said.

"I know but your still beautiful, from who do you think you got your charm from?" Abe said

"Mmm I think I got it from my mom. " I said jokingly with a laugh.

"Your too funny. " he said

"Mr.Mazure it's a pleasure  seeing you on Rose's big day" Lissa said

"Queen Vasilisa, its a pleasure seeing you too,and how could I not come, my only daughter is getting married. " Abe said

"Im still not sure, maybe you have other kids." I said jokingly

"Nope, only one." Abe said

"Well girls, im going to leave you to get ready, see you later rose."Abe said

"See you later. Old man" I said

While the hair stylist was doing my hair, and the bridesmaids getting there make up done. We were talking

"Rose, so are you nervous? "Sydney ask

"Yea kind of ,were you nervous?" I asked

"Well when I got married it was kind of like last minute plan,like literally, Adrian and I plan it like in 5 minutes. Oh my God remember, how I got here at the court?" Sydney said, And yes I remember, I thought she and Adrian were crazy,but they were crazy in love.

I laughed and said "Yes I do. Lissa and I thought y'all were crazy and stupid for doing that,but then I guess we noticed you were for real."

"Yes, I was already mad, we were like in a serious problem. But it's all cool know." Lissa said smiling " Rosemarie? " I heard Olena say

"Hey Olena." I said. Dimitri's mother came closer to where I was then bow down "Your Majesty." She said to lissa.

"There is no need for that Ms.Belikova your Rose's family and i'm like a sister to Rose, so were all a family."Lissa said smiling

"Sorry, Queen." Olena said

"Call me Lissa,and its ok" Lissa said. And Olena nodded with a smile

"Oh Rosemarie, your hair is so beautiful and long. " Olena said

"Thank you." I said.  I looked in the mirror,my hair was in a waterfall braid with curls. I would of had my hair up but Dimitri likes it down and long, and like I always have it up,so why not have it down on my wedding day.

"Rose, I just wanted to give you this little ring, it was my mother's mother ring. She got it when she found love and like it's meant for a girl who has found love. Well here." She said I don't know if I was more shocked that Olena's grandmother fell in love or that I was getting a family heirloom ,that could probably be for any of the Belikova's

"Thank you so much. Umm Ohh, my I don't have any words." I said

"It's ok, good luck and make my son happy well ima go ahead and leave you finishing up. " Olena said.

"Thank you so much, and see you later." I said


My bridesmaids were helping me put on my dress, I had my make-up ready my hair ready I just needed to put on my little  tiara.

"Yeah! we got it." Sonya said

"Finally, now I know how lissa feels when the put on her dresses. " I said I went to get my white high heels to put them on.

"Rose, baby you look gorgeous. " my mom said entering the room she had on a black jumpsuite and I could see she had her stake hidden .

"Thanks mom." I said.

"So i'm here to give you this bracelet. " she showed me a box and there was a bracelet in there it was silver, with little red roses it was adorable. "It was your grandma's well your great-grandma's her name was Rosalie that's kind of how you got your name." She said . Why am I getting all these family heirlooms ,hmm I wonder if Dimitri is too??

"Thank you, it's gorgeous. " I said we hear a knock on the door.

"Queen Vasilisa, you have to go now so you can marry them." Lissa's assistant said

"Yes ok, ill be there." She said "well Rose i'll see you there at the altar. " Lissa said

"See you I'll be in white, just incase you don't see me" i said.  She laughed and left .


"Rose your the most beautiful daughter. " Abe said

"I am your only beautiful daughter, dad." I said

"Well I want to wish you luck. And if Dimitri ever tries to hurt you-"

"I can bet him up but he won't hurt me" I said interrupting Abe.

"Just let's get going. " Abe said

And we left, finally I'll be marrying the man I love.

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